General Discussion

General DiscussionLycan question

Lycan question in General Discussion

    Need some insight for his 5-6th item build. Vlad necro ac (solar crest?) bkb and what should i get for the next 2 item? For the fighting build mom armlet ac bkb then?
    I know lycan probably already won the game by now but just in case he dont win the game already



      Dumb Spider

        Get treads then dominator, then vlads, then necrobook, then travels. Then deso and/or AC + moon shard. Try to farm ancients ASAP, preferably after you get dominator. Go full rat mofo zookeeper win addict, that gets reported by enemy team all the time. Milk roshan when you can, always with a smoke. When you do fight, use the same rat build, it will work just fine, your personal freak zoo army will do shitton of damage.
        Get level 25 +2 wolves talent(if you mysteriously havent managed to win the game yet), you can make up for the ulti downtime with well ulti timing. Don't fight. Rat. WOLWES NEED NO ARMOR!

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          Fuck that fighting lycan build, if u arent pos 1, sell that mom and armlet in 30min and start ratting with necrom + vlads.
          But if u are the only core that right click, get basher + ac. (1k scrub here, but i am spamming lycan right now)

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Don't go Necro. It's really bad.


              Really? But he pushes so hard with it


                Then what should i replace. Coz i wouldnt get anyfarm from the lane because we will have another carry on the safelane and even if there is support you will still have a very bad lane so vlad is needed to farm the jungle faster. What should i go after vlads

                GRANT MACDONALD

                  We are both nearish mmr so ill tell you how i play him. Rat lord Lycan is hard to pull off. You are still susceptible to a 3tp rotation to shrine and even in shapeshift getting chained down. Still,ult +bkb is for fighting not running

                  Even with the tower armor mechanics, i think 5 man deathball lycan is the way to go. His fight presence along with his passive basically being a free mana WD heal allows you to keep fighing. Tell your supports to buy med/crest since you wont need mek if you stick with the push.

                  There really is no slam/dunk 3rd item for him since so many games will be different. You may need to go 3rd item bkb if they have a lion/lina that you cant get close to.


                    Really as Lycan you should just focus on getting vlads (with blight) --> necro --> ac as fast as possible and worry about bkb when you have to. Ideally after those three items. Beyond that it's really whatever you want. Besides your boots slot, you only have one slot left anyway. If you haven't won by then you're in trouble.
                    You'd probably have to get mkb by then, if not basher is always nice, heart is too.
                    In other words, focus more early to mid game. Late game is strong too but enemy carries are more likely to be on par with you if not better and it's just hard at that point.

                    However, I haven't played lycan in a while and with all the new changes I'm liking the idea of armlet and deso after vlads if you choose to ignore necro. Necro is good for heroes like medusa for mana burn but otherwise since the nerf to tower damage and buff to hero damage icefrog is really encouraging a more fighting style, which I hope I never have to resort to. Try to get items that help deal damage to both towers and heroes, not just heroes, however necro now helps more against heroes so it's quite the pickle.

                    Heck maybe even get all of it. vlads, deso, armlet, necro, ac. Don't even know anymore, but hey that's the beauty of dota. Go with what you think is strong and evaluate it with what pro players think is strong and reason why. Best way to learn anything.


                      OOT but what u think about echo saber for lycan? He hits hard but with 1 agi gain and feral impulse no longer give AS, he hits slow af.
                      Well there is mom, but that means no vlad and necrom.

                      Potato Marshal

                        You either go with the current mom and armlet build, or go with the old vlad's and necro pushing build. Echo doesn't fit the pushing build, and it's redundant with mom, plus you'd be gimping yourself by filling your inventory with 1k and 2k gold items.


                          even when going pushing necro is bad cuz if they die u just feed like 300 gold each or smth.
                          late game items include maybe luxury shit like satanic, bloodthorn, mkb, abyssal, maybe silver edge.
                          these items r besides ur core of bkb and ac.

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                          Erase Humanity

                            Deso+AC=-12 armor
                            It melts towers. With necro and wolves every tower goes down in three shots. You could even backdoor towers.


                              After the rework he lost a lot of attack speed for all the bonuses he gained (removed 30 attack speed from E, agility growth from 1.9 to 1.0, 20 agility loss from attribute bonuses not compensated).
                              He has plenty of health and Damage, you should be working on attack speed and armor earlier than before. Early AC usually has a great effect. Shit like Armlet and MoM are very good, as well. Forget Necro, though. Dominator is fine.

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                He is not a pushing hero anymore, at least not centered around it, obviously he still pushes well. People mainly pick him for, I don't know actually. I thought Howl was the main reason, like it always has been, but people don't even skill it till level 10 from what I have seen. I guess he just has good damage and is tanky.


                                  +48% damage and +40% average DPS increase crit have a thing or two to say about this.
                                  though originally it was the howl buff that made him much better.
                                  Stats do show that maxing howl and feral impulse earlier than wolves is better. Though it's unreliable and could just be because it's an indicator that the Lycan isn't jungling.


                                    ^u actually skip wolves with the MoM armlet build apparently, and hit like a truck

                                    True North

                                      Build according to your skill bracket. It's an easy hero.


                                        I like midas the midas vlads (blight stone) necro bkb cuirass build. I still feel the echo saber basher build is trash. Too weak imo. It's not allround. But ask that lycan main'er from dotabuff. He went from 2k to 5k+ if i remember right just by spamming jungle lycan.


                                          ^licetea famous xD
                                          midas sounds atrocious on lycan but whatever


                                            i don't play really play lycan but i can tell you that reddit build is atrocious, don't ever do that
                                            armlet's core, everything else is situational but the hero's so strong it honestly doesn't matter what you get


                                              shadow blade on lycan should only be considered to upgrade to silver edge against axe, spectre.
                                              also deso is bad cuz he hits hard, he just needs attack speed.


                                                IMHO, never ever skip wolves on lycan, you can use it to last hit on lane when u jungle after u get ur morbid mask, and it does a okay damage too


                                                  ^he doesn't have the mana to sustain them early


                                                    Actually, never max wolves!! At least this patch, max FERAL IMPULSE every damn time, that shit is just too good

                                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                                      Basher->Abyssal or Mjollnir if need you to fight.

                                                      Butterfly if you rat

                                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                                        ^^ Lul fucking stop teach other.....sorry what's your name already?


                                                          Of course you never put a point into the wolves except
                                                          -got a dark seer in the team(saw this combo on a pro game)
                                                          -maybe cm?
                                                          I know that safe lane dont get item like vlads and rush mom into armlet but for jungling lycan it's impossible to just rush mom. But if we get vlads and did not get mom lycan fighting power decreases coz of lack of a as. What should i build after vlads? Armlet?

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            Armlet, basher, ac. I have also seen moonshard rush.

                                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                                              Btw,MoM or Vladimir,Jungle Lycan can farm them at same time.


                                                                W8 licetea you can get mom for jungle lycan???? Without building vlads??? How did you do that with mana problem

                                                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                  ^I should able to get it at 7 minutes constantly.Maybe 8 minutes if courier being contested.

                                                                  Use the base shrine between rotation,normally just need the 3 in midlane,4 if needed (another one is based on which camp you going and what NC spawning)

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                                                                    normally just need the 3 in midlane,4 if needed
                                                                    What does this mean? 3shrines?


                                                                      What's so hard about sustaining wolves? If you're not getting vlads a single raindrop is enough, or just carry a couple of clarities.


                                                                        whatever actually since lycan can actually just backpack his boots and ult.
                                                                        5th or 6th could be a BKB slot and other situational items actually
                                                                        diffu, mkb,thorne are the only ones I could think off.
                                                                        maybe swap MoM/ with satanic or heart and armlet with heart or any DPS item even skadi is good
                                                                        late game u should look like this ( I doubt you can't end w/ lycan after AC bkb) especially with theis madness armlet build.
                                                                        Madness,Armlet,AC,Abyssal,BKB,( situationals) like diffusal, mkb and even halberd against troll will be good or if you are the frontliner wulf go for mjollnir.


                                                                          u should delay bkb as long as u can get away with it. however if you already know you are ready for highground u must get that shit finished asap


                                                                            Ok i will try that in a empty and then if it works i will try it on my smurf


                                                                              necro as 6th item with the armlet build seems good? if ur in a baserace/rat situation

                                                                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                it's so easy to hit 7 mit MoM with 3 or 4 base shrine.

                                                                                Thouse item will only slow MoM farm,unless enemies have a magic damage roamer that constantly contest Lycan jungle - only then raindrop will be consider.