General Discussion

General DiscussionChanges in 7.06 that deserve more attention

Changes in 7.06 that deserve more attention in General Discussion


    Added Underlord Scepter. Atrophy Aura's bonus damage is now granted to nearby allied heroes for half of the bonuses. Increases bonus damage duration by 40 seconds.
    Reworked Scepter on Axe. Causes Battle Hunger to reduce enemy total damage output by 30%. Applies Battle Hunger on enemy heroes within a 700 AoE after a successful Culling Blade.
    Reworked Bane's Scepter. Causes Brain Sap to have a 1.5 second cooldown. Pierces Spell Immunity.
    Reworked Dazzle's Scepter. Causes Shallow Grave to be a 450 AoE spell.
    Duel Scepter now additionally grants Spell Immunity to your hero during Duel.
    Reworked Magnus's Scepter. Shockwave comes back, hitting units a second time and applying a 60% slow for 2 seconds. Distance and travel speed are increased by 50%. Return wave deals half damage to creeps.
    Added Scepter for Medusa. Causes Mystic Snake to turn enemies into stone for 1 second. Increases by 0.2 seconds per bounce.
    Reworked Silencer's Scepter. Glaives now Pierce Spell Immunity and deal 100% more damage against Silenced units.
    Added Underlord Scepter. Atrophy Aura's bonus damage is now granted to nearby allied heroes for half of the bonuses. Increases bonus damage duration by 40 seconds.
    Witch Doctor Scepter now additionally provides True Strike to Death Ward.
    Reworked Outworld Devourer's Scepter. Grants 2 charges to Astral Imprisonment and increases cast range by 300. Damage areas stack. Replenish Time: 12

    tldr: Confirmed, Icefrog wants a legit viable scepter for every hero in the game. Supports have awesome scepter upgrades now PogChamp except for Silencer FeelsBadMan.

    Replaced Respawn Talent: +15 Health Regeneration (Level 10)
    As viable and situationally strong as Kunkka now.

    Replaced Respawn Talent: Soul Assumption Double Strike
    Oh yeah, baby.

    Ice Shards cast range increased by 200
    Ice Shards speed increased from 1100 to 1200
    This hero was always good in pro scene, hopefully more viable as a support in pubs now.

    Life Drain now grants truesight vision over the target
    That is some good shit.

    Fortune's End is now a root rather than a slow that sets the target to 0 movement speed
    Please bring this hero back into the meta, he deserves to shine. This is a good start.

    Ghost Shroud heal amplification increased from 50% to 75%
    I thought this shit was broken before, its fucking retarded now.

    Enchant Totem has True Strike
    Holy shit.

    Earth Spirit
    Replaced Respawn Talent: Geomagnetic Grip Targets Allies.

    Drow Ranger
    Frost Arrows are no longer a Unique Attack Modifier.
    Build your Skadi, Deso, Satanic Drows now. RIP pubs.

    yung griphook

      wow i dont remember seeing any of those agh changes. love it


        the axe aghs sounds so fucking good.
        maybe not game breaking but just rlly nice.
        silencer scepter is for carry so of course its not good for support silencer.


          magnus aghanim min 19 , min 35 6 slotted

          mom said it's my turn to ...

            Not good for support silencer? betch aghs is good now for even a braindead silencer


              Aghs silencer makes him an OD with CC


                silen still cant fihgt illus tho


                  I think aghs on support silencer is bad because it doesn't synergize well with the purpose of the hero (earlier it did)...
                  On core silencer, its simply a waste of slots... The hero needs a lot of other items (mostly mobility) to be able to teamfight..


                    Late agh pickup? :thinking:

                    Story Time

                      only late aganim, best one is from alchemist :=)