General Discussion

General DiscussionIdea for Level 25 IO

Idea for Level 25 IO in General Discussion

    7.06 is out and Tether Stuns is cute, but I have an alternative to the other upgrade, +150 Spirits Damage which seems kinda meh.
    What if Tether gained 2 charges and IO could individually link 2 ally heroes at a time, also allowing manual tether break by pressing Q on the hero? Considering how Dazzle got a much needed Scepter rework and heroes like Omniknight can protect the entire team with the press of a button, this seems likes its needed.

    It wouldn't even necessarily be broken since he would have to stay close to both heroes and effectively all 3 heroes would have to stay in a close triangle, making them more susceptible to nukes. And the fact that IO would have to reach level 25 means it won't be seen that often and the game dynamic would be much different 45+ minutes into the game.

    P.S. Underlord can relocate all allies with a level 1 ultimate, so it shouldn't be crazy to give IO that for 2 allies.



      i'm thinking maybe an Io aghs scepter instead of a talent.


        io arcana instead of io aghs lollolololol

        ♏mikeeCS ツ

          but underlord need another allied creeps/tower to relocate to enemy and BAM! 5 heroes ganking.
          Even to make shocking ganking u need some invis allied creeps such as Lycan's wolves or BM's hawk.

          With IO you can relocate anywhere... even you can relocate to my house *wink


            It should be the start of a trend - pick the most broken ability a hero had and make it their level 25 talent.

            Inb4 level 25 27 spell invoker


              inb4 spectre invisible inside spectral dagger


                I'm gonna wait till this "inb4"shit becomes old, then we can go back to actually having meaningful discussions.


                  Sounds like a good agh upgrade for me


                    hang on you are suggesting a level 25 io should be able to make a 3 man gank anywhere on the map and you think you are having a meaningful discussion?

                    that'd be broken as fuck.

                    add a lifestealer infest and a furion and you can do a global five man deathball :D


                      ^Are you suggesting that even in the late game its not possible to bait one hero farming a creep wave far out on the map and have a reactionary team backing him up when you know there is an IO on the other team? And that pubs should remain the solo Rambo style of play that permeates the low skill bracket?


                        it would make it incredibly easy to backdoor any tower regardless of the game situation.

                        Saying you can bait ganks and countergank is meh.


                          You try to tell me I'm not making sense by refuting my statement with one argument, then when I correctly counter yours with the obvious fact, you want to come up with something new to try to prove the same, while stating your reasoning with a 'meh'.
                          I actually don't know what your problem is but you should get a life.

                          P.S. Google and read up what the glyph and tp scrolls do and think before typing

                          any tower regardless of the game situation.

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