General Discussion

General DiscussionMid OD

Mid OD in General Discussion

    How good is mid od this patch and is midas now core on him


      Midas is good, but idk if its absolute core on him
      He's not exactly in the meta but quite good


        Depending on your and enemy heroes he can either dominate or be useless.

        wake up :)

          Won 9 outta 10 games in just four days. 3k shitlord here but check out my replays to see if it's any help


            @dankmeinster will do

            @megaman and what are these heroes he can dominate against and be useless against

            Cheap Laugh Guy

              You can't push towers though


                He dominates low mana pool/mana dependent cucks
                Gets shat by nyx, highground defenders


                  @PedoBear Usually attack speed such as ogre bloodlust or wisp. Omniknight repel is amazing as well.
                  Getting him a good mid match up (not sniper) is preferable since he doesn't farm that fast relying more on kills.

                  He needs someone else to do the tower hitting for him. Having someone with low int by default in the enemy team helps to make him viable (troll warlord). Having astral do some work in a game is important (being able to save someone, setup for kills etc...)

                  Don't play mid though so my knowledge on him is a bit limited.

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                    OD is more often picked as a counter to the meta heroes now, like abbadon, omni, axe or even to go toe to toe against am in the late game. It is played as a glass cannon and would require a lineup that enables OD to backline effectively.

                    The changes to midas now is that it favours gold more than exp and given the item dependent nature of OD and lackluster efficiency in ncing a midas is very helpful in the early stages. If you can get it before 10 I would say it would be a good pickup.