General Discussion

General Discussionhey bogans

hey bogans in General Discussion

    how would you guys like it if you joined SEA? you get exposure to larger pool of good/toxic players, and we get friendly funny sounding englishmen. the way i see it its win-win. maybe we force ANA to play for a SEA team too to really boost the dota scene here. Aus has always seemed a little far off from the rest of the world, and i know y'all must feel left out. so with the diversity in SEA, im sure we will be happy to take y'all in.

    maybe we can start a petition to valve.


      yeah god damn only SEA is toxic amirite??!


        aussies all asleep. weaklings

        mentally handicapped

          lmao wat

          one syllable anglo-saxon

            heh fuck our server!! full of toxic put tanks in a mall bobos and shit everyone is SO TOXIC!!!! (except me ofc)

            basement :)

              SEA has inflated mmr. Gtfo.

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                If it's inflated then come raise some MMR here we'll treat you real nice


                  SEA has inflated mmr

                  other way around, it took midone to go to the EU servers to reach 9k haHAA


                    Below 5k there is no reason to play with less English speakers, above 5k plenty already do despite ping disadvantage.

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                    basement :)

                      If it's inflated then come raise some MMR here we'll treat you real nice

                      Ping is too high.

                      other way around, it took midone to go to the EU servers to reach 9k haHAA

                      Virtually all servers have inflated mmr compared to Australia. Australia has 1% of the Dota population. The next competitive server is US West with around 3.7%, which is 3.7 times Australia’s population. SEA has 32 times Australia’s population, and Europe East and West combined is around 23 times. Australian mmr is practically SEA or Europe mmr in Dota beta.


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                        I played with SEA players once at 2.5k.

                        they just run at enemies
                        nonstop, supports buy no wards, no farming.

                        only non stop fighting gladiator mode. That's what low 1k people on EU do.


                          It's hard to compare different regions' skill level, there's way too much variance and the ping problem makes it harder to compare


                            It's better to have higher pop and more diversity of ideas. I don't see a downside to this


                              more diversity of ideas

                              Mid pudge
                              SB DP
                              Dagon nyx
                              Dagon BH
                              VG BM spec
                              VG BF AM no boots
                              SEA people are so innovative we definitely would enjoy having more creativity through playstyle assimilation of both server

                              basement :)

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                                  You forgot no boots storm


                                    Excluding pinoys there were more Aussies at Kiev than the rest of SEA put together.