General Discussion

General DiscussionOk.

Ok. in General Discussion

    So my enemy think they're good I first pick broodmother ended up 3v1 in offlane against es,warlock and morph how to improve on broodmother i wanna learn broodmother

    mentally handicapped

      summoning alice so you can have a buddy to practice and share insights with, youre in similar mmr range anyway

      feel realised

        Dont fp broodmother


          Analyze bulldog replays cuz I doubt there are good brood player around here


            they think they're good lol i lose to a low 3k high 2k lmao


              don't first pick her , she is just not a first pick material , my personal thoughts on brood that she is a super strong man-fighter that cant do jack shit in teamfights .

              i just remember that you should always get in the lane with one sentry and be ready to deward thiers ASAP

              GRANT MACDONALD

                Dont FP broodmother unless you are meming in 1k. Even then, you're going to struggle if the enemy goes max counter
                First buy: QB, Sentry, Mango (7.06) and maybe a branch + Clarity but ultimately you want to get your soul ring as fast as possible. It is absolutely the first item on broodmother. I get QB versus tangoes since you hit like a wet noodle and you dont want to be trading hits in the offlane. Web regen is enough and now you'll be carrying a mango so you will have even more. QB makes for easier last hits, insta-deward and makes you get your soul ring faster.

                at level 3 start building a spider army but dont let the enemy kill them. Still keep focusing on getting CS but you should be using Q every time it is on cooldown. Once you have an army, you're ready to send them in for the kill - but think about this one before sending them in. Can the enemy effectively deal with them? Do you have webs ready in case the enemy walks outside your web range? Do you have mana for a kill shot with your Q? If you do, then great. If not, alter your gameplay by farming more of the adjacent camps or cutting the wave. Even if you 9th picked brood and the enemy 10th picked axe, you can still win your lane by delaying his blink dagger and not feeding
                Ive been building medallion first but I will typically go orchid first if I am mid. You're not going to be able to kill a tinker/storm/qop/puck without it

                At least at 7.05 I was able to get a level per minute with brood and that was mostly farming ancients mid. At 15:00 you are strong enough that you can take rax and you should have taken at least a T1 and T2 by now and netted the entire enemy jungle to choke them off from farm. Just be weary of rotations so you dont feed away all the gold. You have to look at how your team is playing since most people have no idea how to win a brood game. Ask them to deathball as 4 in the opposite lane and split up the enemy. if they do, great. Keep that up until they only have the mid tower and rax left. If they insist on rotating to your lane (and most of the time they will even though you dont need them) start building echo and BKB and prepare for a teamfighting build. Brood is a good teamfighter before minute 30 but once enemy cores start to pick up their 3rd and 4th big items, you're going to have a hard time. If you havent ended the game by 40:00, you'll probably only win if the enemy throws.


                  yeah i bought good item but i just first pick her big mistake


                    The best way to git gud on a hero is by first picking that shit


                      yeah that's what i did even if they countered me so hard


                        I usually first pick but I think brood is way out of the line to be first pick material.