General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to play ember spirit?

How to play ember spirit? in General Discussion

    ^^ I have no idea


      I tried to learn, but look at my win rate with him to see what happened :))
      watched about 10 pro plays but still I don't understand the hero.
      He needs to be played very aggressively and blows up against high physical damage. just not my style of playing I guess XD

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        Watch MidOne


          Ember always had a problem of pushing high ground and now not being the team fight super hero he once was. I really don't know how he meant to be played in pub's.


            u go boots Aquila veil/BoT (not sure of order here I vary it sometimes) then stuff like blink, linkens, maelstrom, octarine.
            luxury/situational is stuff like bkb, shivas, bloodthorn, radiance, linkens, manta, euls, blademail
            max flame guard then chains, I like taking a value point in SoF after flame guard max and 2 points in chains so I can use SoF chains from a range. ur lvl 10-20 talents r usually clear, at level 25 I take chains duration cuz with octarine I already have cd reduction.
            u r good against other melee mids, except jugg, especially those who cant remove flame guard. u rnt the strongest laner but u have kill potential on a lot of heroes even when at a laning disadvantage. be careful of sf and jugg mid counterpicks. when against heroes who can remove flame guard, play very safe and fall back on jungle, once u have veil and some levels u can set up kills even when behind. Make sure u can use the SoF + chains combo, its very easy but extremely necessary. manage ur mana a lot, make sure u have enough at the start of every fight by keeping topped up with BoT + remnant healing in base with bottle. split push a lot when behind until farmed enough to start doing work in fights. be very aware of what can kill you and what cant, often times a quick silence or stun and some burst and u melt.
            u r bad against silence and root, stuff like cm, silencer, riki can really rekt u sometimes, buy euls and/or manta to counter this. u r also weak to dispels that remove flame guard. u r in turn strong against heroes who are kitable and weak to constant disable, especially those vulnerable to root, and against squishies whom you can burst down.
            I'm not the most qualified but this is how I play ember and I'm starting to get more into the hero so if wrong can someone correct me and explain why.


              Go veil and start killing everyone around , go BoTS to boost your farm.
              Hes actually really flexible on how you gonna play him depend on the build
              You can go blink , octarine is a core , mjolnir is rly good on him, linken is also good, shiva also is situational
              Talent you go magic ampli , attribute , lvl 20 talent is rly depending on what you need to tank , lvl 25 most people go for +2 searing chain duration although i prefer the 20% cooldown reduction


                Push both side lanes constantly. 2-3K's have no idea how to handle it, and it makes a ton of space for your team. Remnant in base, BoT to sidelane, push till your remnant is about to expire, remnant back to base and your BoT's will be off CD in a few seconds. Then do it all over again.