General Discussion

General DiscussionSuPeR SeaCr1t LoVe Stories

SuPeR SeaCr1t LoVe Stories in General Discussion

    SuPeR SeACr1t LoVe stoRies: Volume 1

    "Daddy: I saw him in the washroom at randbowio's downtown."
    Jacked: omfg where you ok?
    Daddy: I just looked at him and said hello Sem, he sais nothing and barged past me.
    Jacked slips his hand up daddys thigh
    Jacked: You truly are a strong person, it inspires me."

    Close curtain



      SuPeR SeACr1t LoVe stoRies: Volume 2

      "Daddy: o m g did haffy tell you about it?
      Jacked: o m g what?
      Daddy: Renshin spiked sems drink at a party then raped him when he passed out
      Jacked: omfg sems not even gay.
      Daddy: it broke him, he just walks around saying random shit and the word cuuki".

      Close curtain



        We would like to announce that volume 3 of SuPeR SeAcr1t LoVe StoRies will now be going hiatus due to the author sleep deprevation issues.


          hey man... everyone on dotabuff likes you okay? you're funny and good at dota. real smart.

          mr. rabbit

            who are you and what is the point of this thread

            doc joferlyn simp

              Yeah you've got more games under your belt and still 2.5k. I haven't been playing hard for months and I'm still higher MMR than you with lower games. That's it and I'm better than you, by your own logic


                damn. you're kinda right.


                  quiet now don't hurt his feelings. dont want him spamming the forum telling everyone about his professional skills and high iq




                      ugh don't egg him on. it's cringey


                        Jacked wants the next volume to feature dog appearantly so I have to do some research


                          btw dog's kinda fat. in case you didn';t know. perhaps you can be a little creative with some character background


                            Its only cringey when your in it or a sealover who is offended by being exposed. To anyone else its pretty hilarous

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              "anyone else" being yourself lmao. Your work is uninspired I'm all for a good read but yours is just a pathetic mishmash of jumbled up words with no story development. Take a hike


                                Keep it up haffy your just giving me material for future volumes.

                                doc joferlyn simp

                                  Yeah, even with your genius level IQ and your sushi dates, it seems you need some help. I am naturally helpful to inferior players such as yourself :)


                                    hey I will pre-order the volume 4 if you will continue writing ^ ^


                                      :thinking: hmm really makes you think :thinking:


                                        We need diox and melissa to make the cover artwork for this


                                          Low IQ ppl shouldn't write stories of high IQ ppl


                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                              Too late for popcorn Cookie. You missed the show


                                                Im not even from SEA




                                                    op is cringe


                                                      ill have to add hustle into the next volume since his profile picture is whats truly cringey


                                                        See guys, this is what happens to you when you buy coaching hours from Cookie


                                                          As soon as I saw OPs post about how cookie CS challenge works, I knew this poor guy is going mental.


                                                            Banned free cookies this forum he make 100 iq 50 iq



                                                              FREE PALESTINE


                                                                Giff me Wingman
                                                                  Цей коментар був видалений модератором
                                                                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                    What is "mmt"?


                                                                      Pls delete the house comment, thats enough posting where I live or I will report your account for violation of TOS and you will get communication ban



                                                                        mr. rabbit


                                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                                            You seem to have no qualms about posting Danish's face in every thread when you were crying tho, lmao


                                                                              it wasn't reported, but obviously doxxing is not okay, even if it is just a random house.

                                                                              and i'm not sure we need these types of threads on the forums so I'm going to lock it.