General Discussion

General Discussionevery game is winnable

every game is winnable in General Discussion

    ur reddit thread and complaining is stupid
    im not even asking u to try to win that game, but going shadow amulet is asking to get queue banned
    all u have to do is let the game run its course


      i literally couldn't leave base without dying
      either you get afk abandon by not getting xp or you get reported for intentional feeding

      sane person would ask "why the fuck does this game force you to play from this point" or "why am i matched with 4 obvious game ruiners, flamers and non english speakers in normal behavior score" but i'm not doing even that
      instead i'm asking what the fuck do you do at that point

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        all im saying is, shadow amuleting is the wrong move, im pretty sure regardless of reports volvo is looking for that stuff and banning it


          why doesn't shaker or pudge have low prio then, while i get it after literally one solo game?

          wait, they're russian
          everything is fine now since that's completely normal behavior for their standarts
          cultural enrichment, truly

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          D the Superior
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              i am aware, your point being?

              Pudge Pudge: end it
              Pudge Pudge: report them all
              Pudge Pudge: fucking moron low priority team
              Pudge Pudge: ffs
              Pudge Pudge: veno first skill wards
              Pudge Pudge: ahahhaa
              Pudge Pudge: arc and es on runes
              Pudge Pudge: can u plz go mid
              Pudge Pudge: finish this
              Pudge Pudge: veno
              Pudge Pudge: mid spec farming jungle
              Pudge Pudge: just go mid
              Pudge Pudge: plz
              Pudge Pudge: dont waste time
              Pudge Pudge: all 5 mid
              Pudge Pudge: they are afk
              Spectre Spectre: дайте этим пидарам по репорту
              Spectre Spectre: шейкеру и пуджу
              Pudge Pudge: go end fast
              Pudge Pudge: can u guys fucking go together
              Pudge Pudge: ?
              Pudge Pudge: so the game is over
              Pudge Pudge: and u farm jungle?
              Pudge Pudge: u dont want to end it?
              Pudge Pudge: im fucking telling u they are all afk
              Pudge Pudge: od
              Pudge Pudge: es is there
              Pudge Pudge: on rune
              Pudge Pudge: invis
              Arc Warden Arc Warden: you still seem to think that anyone cares about what you say
              Pudge Pudge: now above rune
              Arc Warden Arc Warden: pretty persistent
              Pudge Pudge: bane
              Pudge Pudge: can u fucking go mid
              Pudge Pudge: with them
              Pudge Pudge: od plz
              Pudge Pudge: right there
              Pudge Pudge: es
              Earthshaker Earthshaker: whay
              Pudge Pudge: next to you
              Pudge Pudge: potm
              Pudge Pudge: now go mid
              Pudge Pudge: ffs
              Pudge Pudge: end it
              Pudge Pudge: and still they go all 3 lanes
              Pudge Pudge: like a mother.fucking idiots

              definitely sounds like something meka would say

              D the Superior
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                  i would bet that neither of you posting here are dealing with even half of the shit that i have to in ranked matchmaking

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                  D the Superior
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                      just like in life
                      but here we are


                        remember kids dont do fatalism

                        D the Superior
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                            implying im a kid

                            i wish i was


                              well what reason can u give as for why im not dealing with this and u r


                                i was probably a nazi in previous life

                                now im doomed to suffer russian invaders

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                                chicken spook,,,,

                                  being told "every game is winnable" by one of the worst possible person to do so

                                  oh boy!!!1

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                                    how new

                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                      hey i thought u were just letting off the steam? surely writing a grand total of 100k words to ur team over the weak won't do harm


                                        except that i didnt write almost anything


                                          the more i play in a single day, the more i have to deal with the same bullshit. the worse i play as the day goes on, and even more bullshit comes my way. its just an inevitable cycle if you play too much. you are pretty much guaranteed bad games if you start playing too many consecutive games. eventually you start playing worse because of fatigue, and start getting matched with every kind of player who's available in mm pool. you are bound to meet retards.

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                                            assuming you are not the retard yourself that others are finding in their games.

                                            casual gamer

                                              i havent met a single bad dota player in 5 days AMA


                                                have you played in five days.

                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                  im not talking about one particular game(even though the fact u said anything at all is bad enough) im talking about statistics and my statistics(carefully gathered from watching ur stream) say that u argue with ur team in almost every game because ure not disciplined enough to keep ur mouth shut

                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                    heres an unpopular opinion for u arin
                                                    theres no such thing as "im a good player, i just cant control myself and flame retards", theres just players who are(regardless of their game knowledge and actual skill) have the emotional stability of a five year old baby, staying calm is as important as playing well because ultimately, writing shit in chat or gradually tilting urself won't do more harm to anyone than u. if u can press buttons but cant keep urself from breathing heavily while dropping an essay in chat ure a garbage player

                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                      i understand that shit ure dealing with in ur games and shit im dealing with in my games are uncomparable and its way harder for u to keep urself in check than it is for me(assuming we have the same mental fortitude), but if im not mistaken u still want to raise mmr(correct me if im wrong and then i wont bug u with my awfully annoying condescending advice anymore) which means uve got to make do regardless

                                                      i for one know when ure not tilted ure pressing buttons as good as i do but somehow ure still flat 4k and obviously struggling to win, maybe the issue is somewhere else? ? ? ?


                                                        And for some reason I seem to get teams that are friendly and nice while people talk about toxic teammates. This is 2k as well.


                                                          smart words my dude

                                                          Potato Marshal

                                                            Yesterday's matches were a complete shitshow, people instantly first picking the most easily countered cores like Tinker and Luna, and even a guy who afked during the whole picking stage and screwed up everybody's lane at the last second.

                                                            Player 345996680

                                                              tinker has like 3 counters though, nyx zeus and storm, wouldnt say so easily countered. i guess lifestealer is also kinda playable against tinker tho.

                                                              Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                              casual gamer

                                                                storms less of a counter than clockwekrk

                                                                Potato Marshal

                                                                  Zeus just shits all over Tinker 9/10 times.


                                                                    First pick tinker is good :thinking:


                                                                      Storm is only good vs tinker when there is a vision hero on storms team. Or when supports succ ur dicc so the storm snowballs early.
                                                                      Zeus is annoying for tinker but not alone.
                                                                      Clock imo is the best as he has vision and insane gap closing ability + ability to cancel rearm + cogs. Literally all 4 clocks spells counter tinker
                                                                      From midlane the best counter is invoker. Out of safelaners jug is fine, storm is good also clinkz at some point if utilized correctly.
                                                                      Nyx is just annoying, counters the noob tinkers. A tinker pretty much cant get aghs when against nyx, he will get carapaced and killed every fight. So 90% of tinkers are countered. If the tinker is good then all what nyx does is carapace when tinker is marching a wave, meanwhile tinker is far away in trees, annoyed by his cancelled tp.

                                                                      Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                      Potato Marshal

                                                                        At least today it's the enemy team who are making dumb picks and tilting throughout the match.



                                                                          doomed + necro ulted every fight
                                                                          my team still can't do shit



                                                                            Looks like your pudge got tilted at the 22 min mark....

                                                                            wha happen!?

                                                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                                                              pretty sure I would also afk amulet if I was that pudge

                                                                              Potato Marshal

                                                                                Green day today, hope I don't suddenly go on a 6 game loss streak tomorrow.

                                                                                Potato Marshal

                                                                                  Yep, back to losing. A venge decides to get stun last because he though a push strat meant that the whole team should go 0 disables. Ends the game as under 2/3 the level of everybody else, doesn't want any utility items or anything, just 100% minus armor and just ends up instantly dying in fights without contributing anything.



                                                                                    friendly reminder to not play during off hours

                                                                                    ancient 3 sf lcoking mid as lowest mmr player
                                                                                    bara ruining my lane by just standing next to me and contesting creeps, then proceeds to ruin other lanes when im level 4 against lvl 5 drow and lvl 4 bane ns
                                                                                    support necro is self-explanatory i believe

                                                                                    Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                                    Potato Marshal

                                                                                      Red days again, whenever im at 4.9, i plummet back to 4.7. Been bouncing back and fourth in this range for over a month now.

                                                                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                        You can drop lower, I believe in you

                                                                                        Potato Marshal


                                                                                          I don't fucking care what anybody says, this is literally the most cancerous match I've played. Winning by over 40k gold and experience and two lanes of rax and even t4, then the team decides to arbitrarily throw by deciding to deny aegis, constantly buyback to run back into the enemy team, running around solo, Tiny and Pudge buying hearts instead of blinks or bkbs, and Tiny even intentionally started tossing teammates towards the enemy team.


                                                                                            Great thread, nice positivity.

                                                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                              great hero pool btw
                                                                                              suggest adding ench, shaman and bane



                                                                                                totally didn't see this coming after seeing cyrillic nicknames randoming core positions
                                                                                                it took two lanes of rax for magnus to land a normal rp (actually landing one was an uneasy task as well)
                                                                                                pos 1 and 2 players were also interesting specimen

                                                                                                OD running away when ulted with no way of dying and then just running into 4 people when i have cooldowns
                                                                                                ck was probably a random action generator rather than an actual human being, can't really explain his map movements and item usage in any other way

                                                                                                but well at least valve decided to reset my settings once again so i get retards in dual queue again thanks to solo matchmaking unticked Xdddd

                                                                                                Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                                                                Potato Marshal

                                                                                                  At least most of the people in my matches dropped as much if not more than me. Mostly other ancient 5s and divine 0s, and even some as high as divine 4 despite the fact I'm playing in 4.7k.


                                                                                                    i actually like this new ranking system

                                                                                                    people who i considered worse than me have actually lower medals even though they were few hundreds mmr above me at times (like that sea spectre guy for example)
                                                                                                    or i'm just lucky that i ranked up 4 stars for some weird reason

                                                                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                                      u realise badges dont anyhow magically determine ur true skill but are based on ur solo/pty mm and the fact u got ancient 5 despite being 800 points below the treshold is a fluke?