General Discussion

General DiscussionMeepo hotkeys config

Meepo hotkeys config in General Discussion

    HeyGuys can you share your meepo hotkeys config, mine is

    1 main meepo
    2 all meepo
    3 all meepo except main meepo
    4 courier
    5 courier deliver items
    6 courier speed burst

    Tab meepo cycle
    Abilities qwer
    Poof is QC but Earth bind is not QC

    Blink = alt+Q and other items

    Ps. i saw Abed stream last time he played meepo and he doesnt even use QC on skills and items, he micros meepos manually what a player. HOW? :thinking:


      1. all meep
      2. every1 except meep

      F1~F5 each individual meep

      to be a better meepo player you gotta get used to manually using them


        Yea as i also play naga i usually goes for manual micro on illusions i think i can also apply in on meepo .

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            @nami , nice i kinda like the idea of f1-f5 each individual meepo im gonna try this out.

            tech 10

              f1-f5 meepos

              5 = all meepos

              1 = f1/f2

              2 = f3/f4

              3 = all other meepos

              d = net
              e = poof
              r = tab



                  F1 - main
                  F2 - All other meepos
                  F3 - all meepos
                  X - second + third meepo
                  C - main + 4th meepo
                  W - 4th + 5th meepo ( in case of aghs ).


                    is it necessary to have buttons for 2nd +3rd and for 4th +5th meepo ? i mean i m learning meepo but all i use is 4 for main meepo and 3 for rest meepos and tab for next unit ! plus i still dont know what are control groups , can any1 explain it to me ?


                      1 - main meepo
                      2 - second meepo
                      3- third meepo
                      4- fourth meepo
                      6*- fifth meepo
                      TAB - cycle between meepos
                      F - Poof (quick cast)
                      E - Earthbind (qc)
                      space - blink dagger (qc)
                      mouse5 - all meepos except main meepo
                      x - all meepos except second
                      z - all meepos except third
                      < - all meepos except fourth
                      g5 - second and fourth meepo
                      g6 - third and fifth meepo
                      i no longer use last two keys. I used them to split jungle when i bought aghanim for meepo (before 6.88 patch) while i try to find target to blink poof with my main meepo

                      @Hal abed is a script kiddie

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