General Discussion

General DiscussionSiltbreaker Campaing is out

Siltbreaker Campaing is out in General Discussion

    finally !






          gratis gratis florian for 6.2k


            Almost 1 gb of patch lol

            Pale Mannie



                Can someone do a first impression here?thanks

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                    So how is it the campaign?


                      So how do you play it? Is it similar to anything?

                      Riguma Borusu

                        So I had to download this crap which I cant play because I didnt pay valve for the compendium. Nice.


                          Boring ass game ever



                            i crossed level one. with two teamates dead. me and lc cleared all camps.
                            dont stack and avoid clap.
                            get one nuker lina is very good.
                            one tanky hero preferably tide.
                            dazzle is pretty good. one random dps hero.

                            lvl 1 is very easy. next level when longclaw comes u need to kite and stun him. ive done it once so cant tell you more.

                            and they are makign update after another.

                            ps: camera sucks ball


                              I quite like Dota 2 Diablo


                                Sven feels very good cuz he can aoe well but i think u need morbid mask


                                  sven is good. AVOID CLAPS AT LEVEL 1
                                  and farm dont skip. you will need gold and lvl 1 is easy.
                                  if you can get good party you can win ez.


                                    alpha wolves attack can be dodged too but they come in packs and sometime you are in closed space. nukers like lina can clear even before they start attacking.

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      This is pretty much Warchasers.

                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        I got all the way till the temple. Pretty cool stuff actually. Quite challenging and fun.

                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                          Btw the chests sell for quite a high amount right now, not sure why. So if you managed to get any, you should sell them asap. Price is dropping by the second.

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            This is pretty much Warchasers.

                                            This is exactly the thing I said when I first saw it lol.

                                            disgusting weebs

                                              u can sell them? fuck


                                                I'm watching one person play PvE because they won't end the game. It's clear we lost. they are just running from stuff and hiding and its been 5 minutes of everyone else being dead and they refuse to quit....


                                                  we passed 6 levels i think 1 hour 30 min game we lost at the 2 guardians :D got some stars and levels but will beat it tomorrow:D

                                                  gg game is nice


                                                    idk this feels hard with randoms I need a team/party


                                                      we could have won it if we didnt fuckup where ppl gathered and got raped by stuns :D I think 2 guys deal with 1 of them and the other 2 fuck around with the other till u kill 1

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                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                        The people I play with yolo walk on the most obvious booby traps on the ground when they have no lifes left.



                                                          gg fam
                                                          tmrw winz



                                                            You can't kill the one of the guardian and keep aggro the other cause of the Axe they throw in every 2-3 seconds wherever they are so it must be an other way to kill them both
                                                            Or you walk the one close to the path you came from and he'll leave the aggro but it's hard because the camera is locked and it's fucking easy to take back the aggro.

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                                                              So this is a new custom Dota rpg? Sounds fun.


                                                                guardians are kinda easy, brood seems skippable even after 4 consecutive patches or so

                                                                however, there's an achievement for making 20/25/30 stars in a SINGLE playthrough. how does one even achieve that


                                                                  First off, the fact that you can't play this without buying the battle pass is absurd and the most GabeN thing ever...
                                                                  This is the first battle pass I ever purchased because I bought it with my own money and never got enough pocket money before, but to think you have to pay for this one when you didn't have to for Dark Moon is clearly Scamaz...

                                                                  Haven't played the campaign yet but seen it played on stream, looks really interesting and lengthy, would take about 80 minutes to complete it on average I think, and thats just the first part, so looking forward to what might come next already...

                                                                  Sven and LC look really good as both tanks and damage dealers... Lina is a popular choice and decent at splash nukes but I think she is replaceable, maybe with Leshrac, who turned out to be a key pick in Dark Moon for chasing the little guy pooping out gold every time he takes damage... One sustain support is required but don't pick Dazzle, he doesn't scale well at all...

                                                                  The last level i.e. the final boss looks insanely difficult and similar to Dark Moon's Invoker, BKBs look like a must in order to deal with the Sandguy, or multiple Hexes and Bloodthorns to remove Linken's and permadisable since you can't cheese strat with Techies in this one...

                                                                  Will post more after playing a couple of games...

                                                                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                    Being left out on a "MAIN" event because you don't buy pass does tempt people to throw some money
                                                                    and the first step will bring more fortune in the future
                                                                    Very obvious tactic huh :/


                                                                      When do we get the treasure? Like after reaching the check point? Or something like that?


                                                                        u get 3 stars and u get a treasure. witch u can sell 3 euros XD if u are above 165 lvl on bpass u get double the ammount of treasures

                                                                        so u give 9 euros for bpass play and earn 30 euros

                                                                        stop talking shit about battlepass this campaing pays off

                                                                        go pay or keep playing arcade games

                                                                        Vem Comigo

                                                                          its gud but its trash, cause bristle autistic cousin mission is retarded.


                                                                            Bristle autistic cousin :-)


                                                                              you need to stay around bristle ESPECIALLY around the last turn

                                                                              the assassins like to jump on him
                                                                              and bristle really likes to turn around and just run backwards on the waves spawning behind him

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                                                                              best crab

                                                                                Hey guys, when im trying to team up with random people it all goes horrible wrong ;P Therefore, I was thinking if any of you would like to team up? Im up for skype / discord to make things easier - add me:)

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