General Discussion

General DiscussionHow much hp and armor?

How much hp and armor? in General Discussion
Player 153433446

    Good itemization can win a game.

    Personally I like...
    1 Starting item(vlads, armlet etc...)
    2 Dispel item(Manta, Linken, Lutos)
    3 Dps

    But then I donnu if i need an ac or the 5 armor from my diffusal + base is enough...

    Assuming there is no talent tree and no armour reducing enemy hero... how much armour you like on your hero for some good effective hp?
    And hp much?
    Or you just get satanic?

    Or you say fuck it and go full retard with dps only?

    I think 30 armor 2.5k hp is good.
    Ac if they have ta, sf, dazzle etc...
    Opinions plz

    Riguma Borusu

      This is a completely retarded question because it depends on so many factors it is not even funny. Your draft, enemy draft, your hero's mobility, ability to mitigate or evade damage in some ways, how much damage the other team can output, what items they've built, do you have magic immunity or not, and so on.

      Цей коментар був відредагований



          Idk, if ur against physical dmg u want more and against magic u dont need it
          However dont stack it too much as at sone point regen and evasion will make u tankier against certain lineups

          The thing is this too variable to have a real answer, it just doesnt make sense

          doc joferlyn simp

            This is like saying, I prefer 2 sets of tangas over 1 set of tangas and 1 salve

            "2 sets of tangas gives more regen over a long period of time but 1 salve allows for clutch heals when you dive under tower, or you're 1v1 right clicking vs someone and one rightclick is all you need to shift the fight in your favor

            Then again 2 tangas cost more, and you need a tree to use it, where you can salve anywhere"

            Whatever shit you say the answer will be as broad as the long side of a barn, and unless you specify your role, lane match up, itemization, etc, the answer will never be substantial. Try specifying some more

            Player 153433446

              I mean there are usually 2 sup...offlaner mid and carry.
              So i guess 50% physical 50% magical.
              Carry dont buy pipe so it doesnt matter.
              And magic heroes es invo etc do phys aswell.

              Nevermind this topic...but just wanted to know more because the more armor you buy...the less physical damage reduction you get, so at somepoint its just a waste of money.
              Good luck


                I mean there are usually 2 sup...offlaner mid and carry.
                So i guess 50% physical 50% magical.
                Carry dont buy pipe so it doesnt matter.
                And magic heroes es invo etc do phys aswell.

                are you high?
                none of this makes any sense.


                  Its Diox


                    Too much factor to just consider "Wow which one is more cost efficient ecksdee"

                    Catsys Rivers

                      If you do not know what to build, then just build all major stats to reflect your level, at the very least.

                      Level 25 = 2500 health / 250 damage / 25 armor / 0.25 attack speed / 25% magic resistance. Balanced hero in imba meta.

                      Or something.


                        All you gotta do is keep it pma keep it bsj and always know that cash rules every thing around me cream hit the money dolla dolla bill yall

                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                          I used to think like that too,
                          but carry go full DPS, support buys utility, you will try not to get hit by spells, initiate and kill them off.
                          Armor is not really important anymore now... well having 30% physical damage reduction is okay but some heroes go full retard DPS, like Clinkz the only armor you buy is medallion crest, and you won't having any if you cast it on someone
                          AC is quite late game item, and the Agi gain should give enough so the armor isn't something important to consider.
                          Yeap, you go full retard based on what your hero truly needs.
                          you only concentrate armor on the durable heroes in fights.


                            Probably a simpler question: optimum armor to HP ratio?


                              someone needs to know that 1 armor gives 6% EHP


                                wow it really depends. what hero are you playing? to simplify it, you want to think about how to increase your effective HP after considering the enemy lineup and what their lineup can do to you (i.e., who's the biggest threat, and what type of damage he does)

                                sometimes evasion & Hp is better against a hero like OD. sometimes against SF TA maybe you need armour from AC. if they have a lot of burst and magic, probably pipe or raw HP