General Discussion

General DiscussionOnce and for all, which region is better? SEA, EU, NA, etc?

Once and for all, which region is better? SEA, EU, NA, etc? in General Discussion


    Major Edit: Discuss pubs only. Not pro scene

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      every region has good players. but i think SEA is still lacking a really really good team


        EU obviously. The good NA teams are like 50% euros too


          ^but EU just has more players..


            With the exception of the pro scene its SEA OFC.


              Ye EU more players = more good players


                The top of every region is pretty equal tho but there's just more talent and good players in EU


                  U forgot China tho


                    but the really good teams seem to have come from china and na


                      Yeah? Like OG?


                        EG is the only good NA team and they have 2 EU players

                        Potato Marshal

                          I've only played on NA and SEA extensively, and I can confidently say at least people on NA know how to use a mic. Like 9/10 people who use a mic on SEA just incoherently mumble between 3 second intervals for no reason.


                            NA dota LUL


                              OFC sea !!!!!
                              It is just me or China server is really easy. I see 5k China replay And Its Sooooo easy compare EU or sea


                                Major Edit: Discuss pubs only. Not pro scene


                                  i thought zai was NA for some reason


                                    diversity of nationalities of the region should not be overlooked.

                                    disgusting weebs

                                      waiting for kitrak to come and drop some boms in this thread


                                        zhong guo numba wan


                                          Triple what happened to your blue star?


                                            u need to re expsoe ur mmr every 3 months, i didnt do it for a yewar or so

                                            Catsys Rivers

                                              I feel like a kid again and I just walked into my older brother's DxD meeting.

                                              I am so confused and yet, strangely enough, I am also amused.


                                                na seems pretty chill when there's less people and they know each other

                                                Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                i have 5 reports to use

                                                  Obviously the region with the most autists produces more dedicated players and hence better players.
                                                  Thus it should be any region that fluoridated their water supply. I.e sea and na


                                                    Sea, its sea dude

                                                    Nervous Bakedown

                                                      Not everyone has played in all regions so hardly anyone can answer this. And don't play the "But I watch this steamer and his games are ez compared to mine" watching a videogame is easier than playing it yourself. You're never going to settle this one. If I had to pick from my lack of knowledge I'd say EU is the most skilled and NA is the most co-operative since everyone speaks the same language for the most part. I don't know alot about SEA though.

                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                        SEA players don't know how to use mics effectively. Like, I don't think most of us know you can bind a key for your mic. The ones that do use mics are toxic shits shouting into the mic every time they die and if they think you aren't following the meta. (whatever the meta in 2k might be)

                                                        I personally use mic to report missing since people don't seem to have enough concentration to watch the chat while last hitting/laning, and will blame if they die to a gank when you apparently "didn't" report. The first few hundred games will make you feel frustrated but after a while it becomes the norm so you develop thick skin and consequently give less fucks, then mute.

                                                        EU best region btw

                                                        casual gamer

                                                          Thus it should be any region that fluoridated their water supply. I.e sea and na

                                                          dont forget to factor in vaccinations. thanks


                                                            a lot of you are voting for SEA..


                                                              >not playing dubai pubs in 2017


                                                                Eu is the best shit ppl is chill there. Time to buy 5k acc and move to eu and met singsong pingpong

                                                                  Цей коментар був видалений модератором

                                                                    Cool people


                                                                      ^ might as well renamed this topic to "Which region you came from?"


                                                                        I want to try eu one day for my solo q rank.


                                                                          yea. pls be reminded that there are a lot of SEA posters on dotabuff. and majority of ppl who say SEA have no idea what they are talking about


                                                                            I think this is a pointless discussion, and unless there are studies using real scientific methods to address this, there can be no acceptable conclusion from just discussion alone.

                                                                            I LAG, THIS IS NOT A JOKE
