General Discussion

General DiscussionSange & Yasha or Echo sabre

Sange & Yasha or Echo sabre in General Discussion

    wish one is better for sven & slark and why ?


      Echo sabre for sven to combo with his ultimate and slark for more agility steal and of coz passive slow

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        Slark ded


          sny for sven

          Dead Game, Don't Care

            I like the SNY for sven because it gives more movement speed.


              why not both


                sny sven sabre slark


                  sny sven sabre slark

                  Rogue Knight

                    sven SnY is now better for him

                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                      sny sven, sabre slark.
                      I said it first.


                        miracle is going sny on Sven every game this patch so i guess it is better , echo is ultimately better for slark because of the mana regen and faster power spike with double shadow blade break

                        Story Time

                          sny sabre, slark sven


                            slark sny, sven sabre

                            Andre Kairalla

                              Normal skill opinion:
                              Both are good, the sange and yasha gives more survivability and almost same damage as echo. Also gives movespeed, wich is nice.
                              But echo is cheaper and gives mana and mana regen. The mana regen helps in lane since it can be bought in the side shop early. I think both are good, it depends of the situation

                              Story Time

                                go 4 battlefury on sven, very good, very meme, much fun xD
                                PS cleave = 226% , all u need is enigma


                                  yea and get 9reports....


                                    ty for info all.

                                    all role player

                                      MoM > Echo sabre
                                      echo sabre =/= SnY

                                      Everyitem is situational, the definition is insanity is building same item every game hoping different result~


                                        Double break does not happen

                                        Magic Wand

                                          Sven-sny (increased chase, farm , survivavility potential)
                                          Slark- echo (increased ganking potential)


                                            why stop at 4, why not 5...
                                            OR EVEN 6!!!

                                            hell, why stop at 6, fill your backpack with battlefuries as well

                                            Magic Wand

                                              ^ +


                                                battelfury sven when theres a natures profit. LUL