General Discussion

General DiscussionTutorial: Getting a Rampage

Tutorial: Getting a Rampage in General Discussion

    In this tutorial i will teach you how to get a rampage.

    Step 1. Get in low priority 5 times in a row

    Get into low priority, then get out of low priority then repeat this 5 times in a row (also pick the hero that you don't know how to play or the hero you are very bad with so you will lose more games).

    You really need that huge lose streak.

    Step 2. Go in a public match, and pick your favorite non-support hero

    You will be playing against shit players, and there might be shit players in your team so this may not work from the first few tries.
    Spam that hero until you get a rampage, also if you manage to get a very good score in the game repeat Step 1.

    Step 3. Try to kill steal as much as possible

    If you kill steal (fast) enough you will achieve your goal.

    Step 5. Profit

    Enjoy your rampage.


      Nice kotl stats
      Jo would be proud


        what this thread purpose


          enlarging your E-penis size guide

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            My LP games have players 1k mmr higher than me

            Tommy Shelby

              Just go to co op bot match if you really care about those stats lol


                What is getting into lp suppose to achieve?


                  have you tried destroying the enemy ancient 5 heroes?

                  Цей коментар був відредагований
                  Use chatwhell=mute

                    Thats rly retarded tbh. Btw why low mmr guys got lot rampages lmao. I got 0 rampage :sad:


                      I would honestly recommend to uninstal dota after reaching Lp 2 Times in a row


                        Step 1: get 5 kills without a long period of time in-between them

                        Step 2: enjoy rampage

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          ^Sir I killed 5 creeps in quick succession but no rampano :<


                            i got 5 rampages but no idea how or when i did it neither do i care or anybody else.......


                              SOLO MMR


                                PARTY MMR ;)


                                  Also you need the lose streak so Gaben will feel bad for you and put you with noobs.


                                    Btw why low mmr guys got lot rampages lmao

                                    Because in low mmr there are a lot of idiots, when you get Ultra-Kill and you are on full hp, the enemy instead of trying not to die and give you a rampage they run into you and give you a rampage thinking that they would be able to kill you.

                                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                                      I only have 2 rampages

                                      from me playing CK, half the enemy team abandons and the others afk at fountain
                                      I rush in with illusions and kill all 5

                                      legit rampages in 2017 lul

                                      all role player

                                        well someone want to give < 1k acc to me, i only have 2 rampage :( SEA server so hard to get rampage


                                          I got around 25 rampages, at least 18 on meepo and others are ta, sf, slar, mk, weaver. Spammed meepo to climb from 1.5k to 3.5k