General Discussion

General Discussionis there any advanced invoker guide?

is there any advanced invoker guide? in General Discussion

    I'm not interested in shit like:
    I'm looking for a manual with interesting tips and trick that worth to be known.

    Beater Griffin

      I learn the Hero in just train the combos in this train arena. I learn there my disable, burst and refresher combos. U need to spam the hero. The only diffucult at the start is to know how u time ur Spells, cause any lvl on any ability changes ur hero.
      At the beginn its not fun but u will know how to play if u keep playing.

      Beater Griffin

        i mean u play vhs on ur account and go 20/4 with invo, why u need tips ?


          Well, i know the combos and how to hit enemies with them. And spamed around 40 games on low rating to be sure i can cast good, even with clickable items.

          I was itnterested in tips like were in Grimorums guide where he writes, for example, that lvl 1-2 cold snap doesn't cancel clarity/salve.
          The drama is that his guide is quiet outdated.

          주 롄양

            and proceed to win next game with 3-9 voker

            but honestly, as long as u knw what to do, i think it doesnt really matter


              You actually dont learn invoker. You just have to practice more than learn. But if you want to practice is a good site to learn from. I usuallly just play classic mode.

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                Just spam it there's nothing much to learn cos invoker rarely change his item build or skill build so play it till no one can counter you


                  What most people don't understand about mid heroes is that its not about whether you know how to play the hero, its about whether you know how to play the role. There's so much focus on Invoker because the hero has so many spells and can do so many combos. You can be a good invoker player and win games without knowing those combos, but you have to know how to trade hits, what starting items to buy against certain matchups, how aggressive or defensive to play.

                  Basic thing about invoker is, exort is greedy and farm oriented, does not fight much except sunstrike, buys midas and farms aghs. Wex invoker fights with team, usually delays or ignores midas and might go right click build. Other than that its all about matchups, when to leave and farm jungle and when to return and push out lane, know which heroes will gank and what to do at those times.

                  That's the thing about most low skilled players, though I know you aren't one, they will pick mid and feed because they don't expect or know about roaming gankers like pudge and blame the team for not warding or rotating. As a mid you can always buy your own sentries and wards since you can recover that gold real quick. I was once losing a ranked game as a juggernaut with a lion who went boots, wanted to rush blink and afked in lanes without using stuns or buying detection against invis heroes. I bought 3k gold worth of support items and dewarded all the vision they had, fought when necessary, avoided their ganks and won against a beyond godlike holy shitting OD just by pushing down after 2 successful teamfights. I had low networth and only manta, diffusal, but I won.

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                    yes, it's called replay analysis ya lazy fucks


                      @Cookie thread is about how to learn mistakes b4 those commited, and replays is about learn what was commited exactly.
                      2 Different things.

                      @Nikki Stop kiddin me. Voker is a very variative hero.

                      @Plegma is a good source to remember and learn cast, but it's almost useless in a real game, since voker has a cd on his ultimate.


                        uhuh aside from two paths qw or qe their item build is somewhat similar laning stage is ez just use 1 spell or a normal hit would do to harass for mid game you're pretty much farming camps or ganking squishy heroes as of late your items are oc aghs guinso no matter what path you took you'd ended up with those items and casting spells like madman so tell me what's more to learn


                          He's not like sf who have vast item build
                          You might have already know this but switch in between wex and exort while moving/attack on the target you're killing also you might slow him down by pressing exort 3x so he'd side step from thinking you'd sunstrike

                          Цей коментар був відредагований

                            idk u don't always buy hex, especially when linkens, shivas, or refresher is preferred
                            also stop calling hex "guinso" this isn't dota 1

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