General Discussion

General DiscussionPos. 4 CK legit roam

Pos. 4 CK legit roam in General Discussion

    Stun (check)
    2nd skill pull (check)
    Ultimate have dispel (check)
    gives illus too
    aghs (check)
    10/10 would win games

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      RNG stun , check
      short range gap closing until maxed , check
      useless passive on support , check
      long ass cd ult which is shit on support , check
      need 4200 gold to make his ulti worth , check

      5/10 would be situational

      Potato Marshal

        Why would a dispel on a 130 second cooldown or an illusion make him a good roamer?

        casual gamer

          old news

          ^like ults mean shit for roamers lol


            Why would you play the third hardest carry in the game as asupport?


              ^ LUL ck hardest carry

              i would see value in the extra push he gives as a supp. needs to be played greedy AF though.

              also as supp you can skip the passive and therefore lvl the stun duration/pull range

              lvl 6 you head to enemy safelane, kill someone and pop ulti.

              the enemy team comes and fights 4v5 or looses 2 towers

              i might try this because now you only can play him if you go end the game early, 8/10 times in my skill bracket people just afk farm and dont push their early advantage so kind of shit

              before he was better because creeps spawned only every 2 minutes so his low farming speed was not that hindering

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                make it work


                  also with the new rod of atos build up that seems a really good item
                  to pick up as pos 4 ck

                  tranquils-bracer-bracer-medaillon-armlet-rod-solar crest something like this

                  he already has 325 mov speed so he will outrun anyone and still hit like a truck early


                    lvl 25 6 slotted CK can solo almost every hero in the game in like half a second

                    and it doesnt even matter if hte enemy hero has 1 slot or 6 slots, he'll basicllly wipe out anything

                    the only problem is getting that lvl 25 and 6 slots on that super slow no farm hero

                    a fully slotted lvl 25 CK does 6-7k dps

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                      There you go cookie god gave it to you before I right my 3 paragraph long answer on why you said LUL ck hard carry.... ck is hands down the strongest late gamehero after dusa cuz she stones ur illusions.... six slotted ck will just walk mid and kill everything he sees..

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                        cos all roamers are being nerf near death so he makes it to being roamer now


                          I can roam/support any hero even if it's core


                            come in dude someone saying ck is the hardest late game carry. ??

                            late game you get outfarmed by almost every core even offlaners, maybe play CK yourself before spewing nonsense

                            at the time a CK is 6 slotted all enemie carries including the offlaner are 6 slotted 15 minutes earlier.

                            at that stage you will face bkb's, halberds, cleave, and massive aoe damage.

                            so hypotheticly CK is the hardest carry, in practice is he far away from it

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                              actually you can snowball it with just treads and armlet so it's not that hard you don't farm camps you farm heroes same as tiny


                                yes but then you end the game
                                by minute 30, you dont go late game


                                  doesn't matter as long as you win the game


                                    if you have heroes like tinker/arc on your team you can basically hold the game forever, getting 6 slotted on a ck in that scenario isn't hard

                                    Rogue Knight

                                      CK is one of hard carries in game:Yes
                                      Weakness:AOE heroes


                                        yeah i guess if you have enough stalling, every teamfight you kill 3 enemies at least so eventually you will get 6 slotted

                                        doesnt even matter, with CK you want to end as early as possible, right after armlet. when your damage output is unmatched and there are no bkbs to save people from reality rifted into instant blow up

                                        Rogue Knight
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                                          Rogue Knight

                                            It's kinda sad for CK bec. his illu now receives more damage


                                              but more base strength which will help in securing a good laning stage and in turn helping to end the game by minute 30

                                              Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                Earthshaker works better scales better

                                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                  +2 base strength isnt gonna change the game with that 60% extra damage nerf