General Discussion

General DiscussionLycan is back

Lycan is back in General Discussion

    I realize i am 2.5k crap but the buffs to Hotd and necros make him insanely viable again.

    only difficult part is convincing your teammates to take objectives

    < blank >

      Ohh this was the change that made him "viable"

      thanks for the info


        He was viable before but at a different build. Amazing how this game works when a natural item they carry gets buffed the hero gets better too


          Dude i looked at your last few matches with lycan... you got carried hard, you didnt won bcs of you so not much of a buff

          i am not hater these are just facts


            Lycan is great at ratting, or going in those "wtf is this fight" moments.
            10/10 would learn if I had the time.

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              Don't go for HotD or Necro. Just go for damage build. He does insane damage that way and you push towers fast anyway.

              Pale Mannie

                i think MoM + Armlet is the better build

                yung griphook

                  the problem is that you don't really see pure split-pushing nearly as much as you used to, so people started building teamfight items.

                  he's a fun hero and adding these buffs only make him more versatile. have to see how people play him now

                  GRANT MACDONALD

                    I played him offlane and bought wards, dust and ratted. Thats essentially position 3/4 -max tower damage in each game. Thats kind of the point of the build otherwise you go mom, armlet, BKB- so yes i got carried because i didnt play carry. Do you look at tower damage or KDA?

                    Im finding if you take early objectives and secure space + choke off farm, games are ez.


                      what's the change in Hotd?


                        Dominated unit increased minimum hp
                        Not much of a buff tbh

                        Optimus Drip

                          Lycans is one of those heroes where if u lose a fight agsnt team your racks are gone.

                          1-IceTea 🌟

                            LOL funny

                            주 롄양

                              let licetea guide u to wunderkammer

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