General Discussion

General DiscussionPos1 Silencer

Pos1 Silencer in General Discussion

    What would be the core items on pos1 silencer?


      pos 1 is kinda too big to silencer but if i have to go for one , i guess midas is important because you got a dogshit farming speed , then i will go hurricane into silver edge , skadi looks cool and help him deal more damage without being kited and more tankey , might consider new agha vs ls or multi bkbs , hex , AC and shiva are strong , personally i will get hurricane+silve edge every game then branch into whatever i need

      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

        He would get online pretty fast, so i would say his only core is hurricane pike, everything after is luxuries. But it can a lot of things, so pick what suits the game

        Things like bkb, silver edge, aghs, orchid, sheepstick, ac

        Think about the things your team needs the most


          ^ ^ how can he be online fast when he has no flash farm , escape , and stun?

          silencer excels with a fast pace oriented ganking team like pudge those who have stuns for you to be online, plus you need tons of int and fckign snowball fast cause just as i've said, silencer has no escape and no flash farm ability , no kills for him useless silencer


            you go pike first, I often go atos but you can probably skip that into (these are in no particualr order) bkb, sheepstick, orchid, mjolner if you need extra aoe, aghs should probably be like third or fourth item so you get it about when they get bkbs. ac and shivas work too.

            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

              In fast i mean not needing too many items to get to his highest power spike, not a fast farmer

              Like slark or lifestealer, in contrast to heroes that farms fast like AM or sven


                lol for him to have his higehst spike he needs int , how can sielncer have power spike 15 mins? im sure templar assassin , sf ,qop , lina are the one who has 10 mins power spike , and naix as well

                silencer how? no items power spike? silencer is very easy to kill he needs many item to survive fight


                  @all so boots in pike then atos or skadi?
                  Also should I go treads or something else?
                  And max Glaives first or last word first?

                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                    Im pretty sure you max arcane curse first on support/core silencer


                      As a silencer spammer..silencer is more team dependent carry than most position 1s..N also.. Doesn't need items to become a core.. But fight every minute your enemy spawns.. Forcing them back again n again.. You let enemy farm they win.. It's a battle of attrition.. You farm at a shit speed.. So you make your enemy farm at shit speed.. Games are won that way.. Atleast I win that way

                      Dire Wolf

                        No bloodthorne seems weird. It's an int dpsers dream. Atos also seems a good way to get some int, hp and cc early.

                        Treads, lance, atos, pike upgrade, orchid, aghs/skadi/bkb, shivas/scythe, bloodthorn upgrade? Why is silver edge core? Attack speed + dmg + stats? Cus the escape is usually garbage, people will just bring dust. Until late game when they have no slots, then it's great again. It's good for initiating but does silencer want to initiate?


                          Battle fury

                          Potato Marshal

                            Atos seems kind of redundant if you're going for hex too. Octarine could be interesting though since it allows you to lifesteal off glaives.


                              shadow blet and atoz > kill ppl bc u aint antimage cant farm the whole map and splitpush u need Kills to be stronk, also cant pick ppl off with a pike. need shadow blet and atoz and hex for this. bkb and pike are mostly needed in games for da survivability.

                              pretty sure the playstyle is way more important than the item build. you can hit every creep in lane and force offlaner out of the lane and still lose to a 20 min battlefury antimage


                                I'd like pike, bthorn, scythe, moonshard(consumed)
                                other are situational


                                  Thanks @all will try tomorrow


                                    i always go for 2x braces (from rod of atos) then finnish strength treads and then finnish atos, then shadow blade /hex or whatever is situational. Silencer is not the hero who flash farms anyway, but i win the lane all the time :) (except enemy is something like viper, then do not pick silencer at all)


                                      Maybe pick real pos.1


                                        Pos 1 - Carry
                                        Pos 2- Mid

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          In pubs pretty much but not always, it depends on how you setup lanes. Positions are farm priority, so position 1 is like your hard carry who takes all the farm, 2 is usually a semi carry/play maker who farms but also makes space to secure mid game, position 3 is always the offlane or whatever solo lane that offlane hero is in, 4 is a support who buys items, 5 is ward bitch support.

                                          So a position 1 mid might be like medusa or sniper where you put something else in safe lane who comes online sooner like jug or lifestealer. SF can easily be 1 or 2.

                                          And sometimes you will let a more independent laner go safe lane and protect the mid with supports like razor solo or something as apparently arteezy has been doing lately. Or maybe TA solo safe lane.

                                          Ultimately it doesn't matter that much whether mid and safe lane are considered 1s or 2s cus there ought to be plenty of farm for both, assuming you don't have an entire team of farmers like a jungler plus a tide offlane who farms jungle all game or something. But when this guy says position 1 silencer I do think he means safe lane, which is probably a bad lane for silencer. Mid is a lot better.

                                          Синячий патруль

                                            Pos 1 is mid right now. It is totally obvious


                                              Not exactly but it's quite often these days


                                                Midas - Treads - Force staff into Pike later - Mjollnir - Silver Edge - Bloodthorn - AC/Aghs.
                                                I've tried "speedy Silencer" for fun after seeing it a video, with MoM too, and the amount of damage he deals is just ridiculous. You'd prolly get 97 reports if you tried it in ranked but if you manage to win your lane you can snowball pretty hard.