General Discussion

General DiscussionDingdong is out

Dingdong is out in General Discussion

    Is it even worth living after hearing cancel cry.... Feels Bad Man


      what happened ?


        They lost and cancel just kept crying and talking about how its his fault cuz he cant draft and it sounded awful


          just watched it now , nobody wanted to fucking draft , everybody throws ideas around during the draft which is super frustrating for inexperienced drafter
          they also play with 3 streamers in the team and none of them were hiding the mini map or delaying the stream , not even close to be cancel fault


            Yeah ik but still he took full responsibility for it and kept talking about he doesnt deserve to win and shit srsly man this guy almost made me cry as well.....


              Its partly cancel fault but its only a really small part of it. He felt like he could do a much better draft but like other ppl said he is inexperienced drafter.

              Pigeon ( °□°) ︵



                  Lol they don't communicate that well as a team oh well. Were they even serious




                      Can I ask for a link?, what game did that happen?


                        i cant get a link but it was open qualifier game , team ding dong iirc


                          The moment of cancel crying and them losing is found on a channel called put tank in a mall on youtube ... video is called dingdong is out biblethump..... as for the games u can watch them on wehsings channel.... im on phone so its actually super frustrating to get links