General Discussion

General DiscussionI gave up on dotes.

I gave up on dotes. in General Discussion

    So im finaly done with dota. Maybe i could get 5k this year maybe even 6 in 2 or 3 years, but dota is just no fun anymore. Every game ppls beeing rude to each other and Focus more on Flaming each other than on playing together. I cant Enjoy this. I thought things would change if i stop picking Core heros, but still my Team is fighting for lanes at least every 2nd game.
    Ill be playing some Party games for now with enemys muted. But Solo dota is over now. Ill go back to borderlands 2 much more fun to play.

    Potato Marshal


        try HotS for a while until you are in dota mode again , very good moba with the least toxic community i have ever seen in my life


          I dont even want to be in dota Mode anymore.


            its totally fine , not like dota is earning you money or make you better human . just a hobby , like it play it hate it throw it away


              How can you throw dota? Is there a secret?


                Why the heck is LOGIC missing from dota 2 chat? I often see weird sentences


                  Well play 3k more games Bob and your fine.


                    Play The Witcher 3


                      SO what, you deleted a video game? what is so dramatic about it?


                        Are u serious? Witcher 3 is just some strange Kind of soft porn.


                          Nothing special to See Here, just go ahead.


                            Whenever people with alot of hours in this game, decide to quit, they write these dramatic threads with them leaving and talking how shit isnt same any more and it isnt fun. Well duhh, nobody is forcing you to play this. Nobody ever forced you to start playing. It is your own will to dedicate part of your day to play it. Just go to the steam library, press uninstall and thats it, your life will immediately be better.

                            1-IceTea 🌟

                              And you are the one who quit because u bad at it?Hahahahaha


                                Where you got conclusion I quit this game?


                                  You have more games than mmr. It's your time to make a dramatic thread soon

                                  Цей коментар був відредагований
                                  muted all, it's just a ga...

                                    I have slightly more games than my mmr Kappa


                                      You have more games than mmr. It's your time to make a dramatic thread soon
                                      Again this hilarious guy with his logic and senseless posts

                                      I suck and I am bad at this game? so? Whats your point? Should I stop playing the game even though I enjoy just cause it doesnt fulfill criteria of average mmr? Should kid that has no talent, has no physical predisposition stop playing football in recreational football club even though he enjoys it?

                                      And even if I quit you wont see me posting this hilarious dramatic pile of shit where I write my frustrations with this game (that are actually related to RL frustrations) like OP. Borderline pathetic. Just delete the damn game and move on. Its not that you are giving up on college or some shit


                                        i believe that League of Legends is the game for you, playing dota is more stressful than playing LoL, and if you cant handle the amount of stress that dota gives you, GO play LoL


                                          Calm your tits Old man. Lul.


                                            borderlands 2 one of the best co-op /solo you can find bud :v

                                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                                              I'm playing Pokémon right now


                                                @best girl revolution online ??


                                                  ok u do what now?

                                                  Story Time

                                                    so u do accept friend-invies for party mmr then?


                                                      good luck, dont let the door hit ya on the way out



                                                          also jdf8


                                                              Yes i still play Party dota and propably we gona rekt the t5 battlecup once again on saturday. just no more Solo games.

                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                So im finaly done with dota.

                                                                Yes i still play Party dota and propably we gona rekt the t5 battlecup once again on saturday. just no more Solo games.

                                                                You only lasted 9 hours.


                                                                  Wtf I never wrote ill uninstall dota.

                                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                                    Who said u would uninstall?



                                                                      Usually the toxic players write this. If somebody is toxic or idiot, there are 3 options (with leaving DotA being the fourth one)
                                                                      1) Ignore them, they will be tired of this
                                                                      2) Mute them
                                                                      3) Flame them as well

                                                                      I dont understand ppl flaming about others. Usually I ignore them, if they keep flaming, I mute them and report them. ez.


                                                                        THIS PLAYER IS an
                                                                        entry level noob who ....  
                                                                        cannot /⌒ヽ even no-scope
                                                                         or ... / ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) meme !!!!
                                                                         _ノ ヽ ノ \_
                                                                        `/ `/ ⌒Y⌒ Y ヽ
                                                                        (  (三ヽ人  /  |
                                                                        | ノ⌒\  ̄ ̄ヽ  ノ .... 0/10 - me
                                                                           |( 王 ノ〈 .... also he is a weeb ....
                                                                          / ヽ_/  |
                                                                          |  / /


                                                                          Play Mobile Legends or Heroes Evolved or some games that are similar to that like LoL.