General Discussion

General Discussionany 5k guides/tips/advice on ember spirit?

any 5k guides/tips/advice on ember spirit? in General Discussion

    From itemization to gameplay.

    Do you get travels before veil or vice versa? Why blademail? When to radiance? And why Mjolnir because I find it's proc damage very negligible. Is dagon or shivas viable?


      Veil is not worth it anymore on ember imo .


        Paging jdf


          analyse replays ya lazy fuck


            here you go : , some 7k+

            people are starting to build radiance on him, i dunno y.

            Цей коментар був відредагований

              don't play him


                Excuse me? my mmr is 2.3k and according to valve i am above average (2.1k) so my opinion must be respected and my analysis on the game is legit and im going on factual basis. I dont like to kiss ass of any pro without any reason. U have no right to criticize it u bastard.

                Yung Beethoven

                  Well first of all you gotta think about whether your team needs more magic or physical dmg. If its the magic dmg i would go for veil, BoTs, some sort of survivalbility (mostly linkens). After that it really depends: shivas, dagger, octarine, mjolnir all fit your magic build pretty good

                  i would only buy blademail if they have a lot of control via stun or a lot of aoe dmg


                    where's licetea copypasta?


                      any decent ember player here who encountered Clinkz mid? how the hell do you lane against that -.-
                      I lost a lane against this freaking guy
                      probably a much higher bracket boosting him but I think Ember just loses to Clinkz -.-

                      Цей коментар був відредагований
                      Yung Beethoven

                        @Milad well obviously ember mid struggles against almost every ranged hero which can either burst his shield with ease, or rightclick him extremly well without losing any ressources. Clinkz, viper, silencer are just some examples.


                          Laning ember vs clinkz you just try to get as many cs while avoiding harrass by abusing creep aggro.
                          The only way to win that lane is to kill clinkz when you get lvl 6 or maybe even before that if he overextends

                          not arin

                            Veil is not worth it anymore on ember imo .
