General Discussion

General DiscussionCan someone point out my mistakes in this game

Can someone point out my mistakes in this game in General Discussion
Mario Lemina

    Pls help. I was playing AM and I think I could have won but my decision making skills lost me the game I guess.

    chicken spook,,,,

      Your mistakes =
      Playing unranked
      Asking for people to watch your replay in dotabuff




          500 gpm as AM XD

          Mario Lemina

            If your not willing to help, why bother replying to this thread. Dont get me wrong, I'm not good at this game and thats why i'm asking help from better players in this forum to help me and point out my mistakes. If you have nothing constructive about my efforts, dont reply. Its simple as that.

            Mario Lemina

              I can take criticism, but not in this manner. Its pointless to tell someone they suck at something without telling them the reason.


                Nobody is going to seriously 'analyze' the game for you (Maybe if you posted this a few days earlier, there was someone dumb enough called FattyDevil who analyzed every fucking things to all these questions)

                Seriously, are you going to watch someone's replay when all that person did was "Pls help" ??
                Show your effort of wanting to improve, show your effort of trying to improve.


                  50 min game

                  silencer having almost the same hero damage as you

                  at some point you got to stop splitpushing and hit heros, then go back to splitpushing

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                    Very well said there are two or three people in this forum who try to brag about there high MMR and find a way to insult others . There every note starts with u r low MMR let us insult u first . On the other hand I feel your team lacked some lock down which is very important when fighting against slark. And 1 more thing silver edge instead of bot on bloodseeker would be better . This is my opinion .
                    Note: I'm not a good carry player so I might be wrong.

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                    chicken spook,,,,

                      Nobody is going to seriously 'analyze' the game for you

                      Seriously, are you going to watch someone's replay when all that person did was "Pls help" ??

                      I still won't bother analyzing your replays, but I'm sure vlads post manta which you got 30 mins into the game is a very stupid move
                      Also people should stop tunnel visioning when playing antimage, as in afk farming, still gets outfarmed, and proceed to die and feed 500 gold without buyback (shoutout to fx), just get your items quick, utilize them as efficient as possible, and close the game out asap

                      chicken spook,,,,

                        The only time you should split push as AM is when you can't fight them


                          the time you got Bfury is alright but why was the farming so slow after? considering you didn't die that much your LH is pretty bad. probably because you stayed still while waiting to defend, or very bad farming patterns.

                          your BLD damage was pretty low so you probably didn't split push alot. which is a big mistake with AM. From what I have seen world class players do, they never stop split pushing and even when team is defending they cut a wave behind enemy towers and continue split pushing.

                          so yeah, I'd say farm efficiency and evasive split pushing was what you lacked.

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                          rain markcawat

                            learn about your hero powerspike

                            Potato Marshal

                              You were playing too scared, despite the fact that the only way the enemy team could've killed you was if you got careless and silenced by ES, and someone like OD or Invoker followed up and burst you down. Even then, you could've removed silence with your manta. They had no lockdown, you could've just blinked away whenever they approached you. You should've played aggressively and pushed out lanes and ratted.


                                I would say that Vlads wasn't needed, You should have gone straight to abysal after manta. You have more then 80 games with AM so you should know how to and when to use manta. I say the game was in your favour actually because most of the enemy team has huge mana pools


                                  That earth spirit should have been food if you have rushed abyssal, seriously, only you can point out your mistakes and improve while learning from those mistakes.