General Discussion

General Discussionthe difference between 5k and 6k

the difference between 5k and 6k in General Discussion

    6K or above players:
    most stable 6k spend time actually playing the game, acknowledging mistakes without bitching much like crybabies.

    5k players:
    1 word - crybabies.


      first benaoposting and now frankposting

      this forum is actually disgusting


        ^ get 5k first kid.

        chicken spook,,,,

          Understandable have a nice day.


            ^ get 5k first kid.

            stop sending 6ks who instalock cores, decide to run down mid and destroy items out of nowhere because they suddenly found themselves alone between 4 heroes

            Yung Beethoven

              Well all the games i had with mmr above 6k leads me to say that 6k players are (most of the time) as much crybabies as 5k players are

              all role player

                when im watching many replay of 6k bounty hounter 7 to 10 game will be :
                mid ganked 3 times = GG XD

                well, frank teach me how to riki !!!!

                rain markcawat

                  2k>6k mmr is just a number


                    6k in 2017


                      Even if you could group all players together, Why would you want to do this?
                      think about it.


                        My brother a maths teacher so I asked him.
                        He's told be its 1k

                        Цей коментар був відредагований
                        Story Time

                          most of people will not know the difference, coz they are stuck in <5k... but thanks to this supermegathread we will know the TRUTH!

                          ILC - Lethal Ninja

                            when you are 2k, 3k will scold you scrub, noob when the whole team lose.
                            when you are 3k, 4k will scold you scrub, noob when the whole team lose.
                            when you are 4k, 5k will scold you scrub, noob when the whole team lose.
                            when you are 5k, 6k will scold you scrub, noob when the whole team lose.
                            when you are 6k, 7k will scold you scrub, noob when the whole team lose.
                            when you are 7k, 8k will scold you scrub, noob when the whole team lose.
                            when you are 8k, 9k will scold you scrub, noob when the whole team lose.
                            ok... you wont get scolding from 10k because there is only one person in the world and not likely to play with him.
                            The point it, human behaviour doesnt change with mmr. It's not like the higher mmr you are, you are a better person..

                            BSJ. LGD

                              no, people are 5k because they are shit


                                If ppl are 5k because they are shit. What about the 4ks


                                  If ppl in 4k is shit what about 3k


                                    ure a riki spammer lol why do u talk


                                      when you are 7k, 8k will scold you scrub, noob when the whole team lose.
                                      when you are 8k, 9k will scold you scrub, noob when the whole team lose.

                                      no unless ure a specific retard

                                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                                        when you are 2k, 3k will scold you scrub, noob when the whole team lose.
                                        when you are 3k, 4k will scold you scrub, noob when the whole team lose.
                                        when you are 4k, 5k will scold you scrub, noob when the whole team lose.
                                        when you are 5k, 6k will scold you scrub, noob when the whole team lose.
                                        when you are 6k, 7k will scold you scrub, noob when the whole team lose.
                                        when you are 7k, 8k will scold you scrub, noob when the whole team lose.
                                        when you are 8k, 9k will scold you scrub, noob when the whole team lose.
                                        ok... you wont get scolding from 10k because there is only one person in the world and not likely to play with him.

                                        When your 10k everyone gives ya shit because you cheated your way there


                                          I love when someone says

                                          "Get 9k mmr kid"

                                          Some people actually have nice life irl and just play occasionaly.


                                            ^ yea but dota is franks only life he has i sae his stream he look like fat pig who cant move from chair


                                              Fake me lol

                                              rain markcawat

                                                Fake me lol


                                                  ywn main acc = op

                                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                                    You know what I saw Dendi talk in YouTube?

                                                    'Win TI then talk'
                                                    So why is this dog face profile picture guy talking still?


                                                      all 5k and sub 5k continue to cry in this thread


                                                        get7k then talk


                                                          6k have an even bigger ego than 5k

                                                          Цей коментар був відредагований
                                                          Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                                            the difference is that 6k+ are more losers and fatest than 5k+


                                                              zzz stop judging people with their mmrs, judge people with their personalities, for me rtz is trash no matter what hes mmr. but kuroky is good cuz i aint see his raging .
                                                              actually i know people who has 7k , when they que with 6ks , omg this game will be suck , 6ks are such noob crybabies, while hes queueing with 7ks , hes starting to judge people with their personalities,

                                                              so why labeling 6ks and start judging a 7k guy like ooh this guy sucks , or i know this guy hes good.
                                                              there are 6k players whos better than some of 7ks.

                                                              well for me 6k guy labeling 5ks like that its pathetic.


                                                                whats the point of having 7k,6k,5k,4k,3k or whatever? what do you actually get from it? whats the essential point?


                                                                  LOL, cry babies


                                                                    Is this your first month experiencing the Internet guys? Rofl


                                                                      whats the point of having 7k,6k,5k,4k,3k or whatever? what do you actually get from it? whats the essential point?

                                                                      To get many chicks bro


                                                                        but kuroky is good cuz i aint see his raging .


                                                                        Player 368673122

                                                                          the essential point would be competitive gaming... you know... like being 1st, 2nd, 3rd on a sport ladder? LOL

                                                                          white boy summer

                                                                            all these kids need to stop praising their own mmr bracket srysly. and then they get butthurt if 7k calls out 6k bracket


                                                                              5k = 3k


                                                                                3K = 5K

                                                                                  Цей коментар був видалений модератором
                                                                                    Цей коментар був видалений модератором
                                                                                    Player 368673122

                                                                                      9k, 10k, 11k, 20k (with no $$$$) = garbage ok


                                                                                        get 1k frank I bet ur not bad enough to do it
                                                                                        fucking loser
                                                                                        cant even get 1k



                                                                                          Lester, Moe

                                                                                            I see both mmr's do the same thing. But I see the most babyrage in 6k avg


                                                                                              Yea more likely that the highest mmr would baby rage so a 6k in a 5k would be the rage baby


                                                                                                Idk why i love seeing frank trigger the shit out of people


                                                                                                  the difference is 1k mmr


                                                                                                    crybabies crybabies crybabies

                                                                                                    blame all time, flame all time and 0 time to actually play doto



                                                                                                        if ur words had any credibility you wouldn't be flat 6k with one hero spam lol