General Discussion

General Discussionhow viable

how viable in General Discussion

    is jungle bs spamming? by that i mean, until which mmr it stops being reasonable to spam jungle bs? 4.5k? 5k?


      I stopped doing it at 2k when my winrate dropped.


        Jungling LUL


          i've seen people get up to 5.2k mmr by jungling

          you just have to copensate for hte lost lanes


            ok ty @cookies

            what lane would you guys put bloodseekr? i feel hes a bit of waste to get the safelane. offlane not really viable unless leaving lane and jungling or against very weak dual lane. and mid people lose their shit lmao


              pos 1/2


                He's a really good safelaner its not a waste at all


                  Icetea himself said that you would get constant reports from others if you keep on spamming jungler heroes