General Discussion

General DiscussionChen Tips

Chen Tips in General Discussion
Andre Kairalla

    I wanted to learn how to actually play chen, he is a fun hero to play and is kinda good. Does anyone has some tips for him? And micro tips too haha

    I usually dont stay jungle because i hate it :P


      Great choice lad
      To start with, you're going to wanna analyse the number one chen player out there atm.

      Lil Chen - picking Chen on the mainstage.
      Lil focus's more on, winning 2 lanes for his team. Chen realistically has 3-4 options regarding early game.. You have,
      1. 'Stack camps and get moosive'
      2. 'Gank/roam/pressure lanes'
      3. Push the towers
      4. Sit in lane with a creep and be a nusance.

      Lil's playstyle with chen focus's more on the 2nd' and 4th option, he usually likes to try and win 2 lanes for his team to warrent the chen pick.
      If you play chen jungling 24/7 there isn't really much point in playing chen over other greedier junglers eg. enigma, who can sweep the jungle alot faster.
      Chen however excells in multi prong'd pressure without losing efficiency. Lil has a number of plays where he will be lvl 3 at 3mins. have a wildkin and a satyre, aswell as 2x 3 stacked camps banked up. He could stop to farm these camps and walk out of the jungle at 4mins lvl 5. Or he could go and pressure 2 lanes with his creeps (3mins into the game, a satyre/wildkin are scary!) so lil will choose to pressure.
      He'll send a tornado to go win mid, and use his satyres to assist the last lane.
      The thing about chen, is. You either snowball and win in 30 or you get snowballed and lose in 30.
      Hit or miss.

      i wrote this 9months ago, so its abit out of date for reference. - but may be useful for you to understand some more jungle mechanics. -

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      Fee Too Pee

        ask the guy with Wraith King with sunglasses photo profile


          Wait, papa lex plays chen?


            I used to but after 7.00 my Wr dropped from 55% to sub 50%.

            If i were you I would go for learning Io now. Chen due to the map changes is much more difficult to snowball with. So basicly refering to what Peekabo said, scenario that you get snowballed is more possible.

            I had my biggest winstreak with this hero, but since shrines were introduced its almost impossible now to go for HG 12-15 min mark. Games tend to last longer than 30 min. There is a significant cause why this hero wasnt picked even once in Kiev.

            I would strongly recommend mastering Io. Endless commends if you play this hero properly.

            Chen is pos 4. There are much better picks now eg. Kunkka, sb, bh, tuskar.

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            Andre Kairalla

              Thanks for the tips guys! I usually use chen as a supp in lane because he has so much utility. You can literallybget anything you need rom the jungle and you have a free tp to base for your carry. But yeah, chen falls so much when late game hits

              I think then hero somehow needs a rework. Maybe i'll wait till next patch, who knows, maybe he geys buffed.

              I for one would trade that nuke for something better, maybe a passive aura for the creeps?

              Riguma Borusu

                Chen is kinda bad right now, maybe wait for a patch that favors him? Otherwise you are gonna think you suck more than you do.