General Discussion

General Discussion1.4k mmr player looking to climb mmr

1.4k mmr player looking to climb mmr in General Discussion

    So I've played a fair amount of dota in my time, 1789 hrs to be exact, and I want to get better at this gae and actually start playing it more seriously. I play all the time right now with my 3k friends and i do fine at their level, but i need suggestions to help me climmb to this level. The best positions I play are pos 4 roam, and a pos 5 hard supp, but i find at y level neither of these roles really have a place with 4 other teammates who all pick carries and arent good. So I'm having trouble climbing the mmr ladder annd would like suggestions to hjelp me with this as I cant carry and playing supp doesn't exactly help me climb. If you check my dotabuff profile you can see I've tried carrying and I'm just not cut out for it so how can i climb playing a supp with a shitty team. Thanks for any help you can give me :p
    Also btw i should say the hero's i frequent are et, phoenix, and an occasional riki


      look for skill then


        First of all stop being a weeb.

        Then after you stopped being a weeb you learn how to play core: 1st/2nd position. 3rd position (offlane) also counts as a core role but as a 3rd position you have a different role and you can't really pick heroes that you would pick as a 1st/2nd position core. In that lane also almost nobody plays 1st/2nd position heroes because in the offlane you won't be farming as good as you would in the safelane (well normally you wouldn't but I'm sure there is a game from time to time where you have complete free farm EVEN in offlane). Also the lane is more dangerous, you can tell by the names of the lane, 'safelane' and 'offlane', in the safelane you have a big tree line protecting you but in the offlane there's no treeline protecting you.

        When a game starts you write in chat ''mid please/safelane farm please'' (I do this all the time and I get to play core 9 out of 10 times) And with core I usually mean safelane carry because in my games when a game starts 2/3 people instantly mark mid because everyone thinks that he's god tier professional pro player and they will say mid or I go feed. So the chance of me playing mid is very small so I usually aim for safelane carry.)

        Anyways if you write ''mid please/safelane farm please'' people will usually take a look at your profile and the first thing they will look at is your GPM and the second thing they'll do is looking at the amount of couriers you've killed to see how many times you've been in low priority and to see if you're a toxic player KAPPA (I remember 1 of my friends thought I was a good Bounty Hunter player because I had 550 couriers killed but all of those were from low priority and I never play Bounty Hunter LUL good times). Anyways the second thing they'll do is looking at how many creep kills you average per game because that also will show that you know how to last hit and don't miss last hits in a free farming lane where it's you against the creeps (trust me I've seen those kind of people where people miss last hits in a free farming lane). If you have high GPM there's more chance that they will give you the core role than taking it theirselves because YOU have ''proof'' that you're someone that knows how to play core or else you wouldn't have such ''high'' GPM right? In order to get your GPM up there's multiple things you can do, you can first pick Alchemist in every game and buy Radiance and EVEN buy Midas on him and average like 800-1000 GPM in your games and have an unreal ~900 GPM in your profile and everyone thinks you're a FUCKING GOD or that you're some 8k russian booster. Or you can play other carries (excluding Alchemist) and buy Midas (I do this, I buy Midas because it kinda in the end does increase ur GPM on your profile and it's a good item if you get it sub 9 minutes + the 30 attack speed is good too) I get around ~500 GPM on my profile playing these other carries + buy Midas. Having the ~500 GPM in your profile kinda makes you look like a decent player that knows how to play core role. I assume since you only play pos 4/5 you'll probably have 250-300 GPM. So if you wanna start playing core now I think in your mmr they won't really think of looking at your profile and probably give you the core role.

        Цей коментар був відредагований
        El Chivo

          the courier trick is actually pretty good lol


            Well what would it show? You have alot of courier kills but you never play Bounty Hunter/Riki/Natures Prophet etc..

            Only thing people would think of is you farming couriers in low priority from a long time ago when feeding couriers was still a thing.

            Цей коментар був відредагований
            Cheap Laugh Guy

              My profile is already stained with 300GPM


                You can change the 300 GPM easily, it's calculated by the last 20 games you've played so if you play carry for like 1 game it will easily go up to 350, if you play carry for 20 games you should easily be around ~500.

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  Wut it says Lifetime Stats
                  I'm afraid that's not the case FeelsBadMan

                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    Welp gotta make a new acc and start a new life of carry


                      On the left it says playstyle most recent 20 games. I thought lifetime stats only counted for rampages to camps stacked because I've played a total of 4.3k games on this account and when I have 1 bad game my GPM drops with 40, that seems very unlogical to me because if you have 4.3k games played your GPM should drop with like maybe 1/2 points? but it drops with 40, I had 533 yesterday now I got 467, I'm pretty sure it's stats for the recent 20 games and not lifetime stats.

                      Here are my stats although I'm sure it's definitely not accurate, I know for a fact that I got WAY MORE Rampages/First Bloods etc.

                      Цей коментар був відредагований
                      Riguma Borusu

                        people must give me any position I desire because I have millions of first bloods



                          This isn't the only account you have right? I remember you had a 6k+ account or was that someone else?
                          I got you in my friendlist and it says last online 6 days ago, either you're taking a break or this is just some random LEL account?

                          Riguma Borusu

                            I am taking a break because I have to finish up some uni shit, but this is both my main and LEL account because I don't really give a shit about playing the game well so I play only unranked and troll to do meme shit anyways. The 6k dude is someone else, I never got even close to 6k or played ranked seriously.

                            I'm the guy who lent you a battlenet account to play SCII.

                            Цей коментар був відредагований

                              LOL??? You're that russian Sven guy? Lmao I thought that was someone else and that he dissapeared from Dotabuff but it turned out to be you.

                              I was Diamond on ur acc lmfao and the only thing I did was rushing with marines.

                              Цей коментар був відредагований
                              Riguma Borusu

                                SCII is kind of a dead game in my eyes, I bought it to play with friends but nobody really wanted to play in the end. Also my micro is godawful and it is not a skill that I want to invest any time in.