General Discussion

General Discussionstop buying midas on necrophos every game

stop buying midas on necrophos every game in General Discussion
meteor hammer

    it decreases his winrate by 3% for a reason

    that is all

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      Midas is always going to have a low winrate because you've probably sold it if you're winning the game.

      meteor hammer

        midas is always going to have a low winrate because people have no clue when it is the correct choice and love buying it when they are getting pushed instead of an item that can win the game


          Phase boots and treads decrease your winrate by 2%. Better not buy those
          Nice logic op


            midas necro still sounds dogshit

            chicken spook,,,,

              You can't change retards' mind


                I think I remember seeing Midas on the in game guide item build

                Riguma Borusu

                  While it's absolutely true you don't get midas on necro every game, your statistics are retardedly irrelevant.

                  Please don't use item winrate statistics completely out of context like that (lol look at all those retards buying armlet on huskar instead of AC, when it's obvious that AC has a greater winrate!!!11), it makes you look like an idiot and we all know you know much better than that.

                  You can buy a bunch of cheap items on many heroes, and end the game 20 minutes in, and all those items are going to have lower winrate than 5k+ gold items typically found in a lategame carry's inventory. If you snowball on CK, you can have treads, armlet and halberd, get an aegis and end the fucking game because the enemy has nothing to counter you, and all those items have dogshit winrates compared to much more expensive items, which is why the data is irrelevant.

                  Yes, midas is shit on most heroes and in most situations, and no, it's impossible to argue that using statistics on dotabuff. you have already outlined a proper reason for why it's dogshit, and that is that you have a glorified attack speed buff on a hero that doesn't need it, instead of having literally anything else that's useful (armlet is more useful on necro than a midas, even if it is stupid to buy it, and for a little more than you'd pay for midas you can get a veil which is a great item for necro).

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                  Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

                    tangos have about a 30% winrate. Stop buying them.

                    meteor hammer

                      heres a real argument since u need one

                      theres no reason to delay ur power spike for a farming item, u will have a much better timewinning fights and having more map control, because ur hero benefits insanely from cheap item (force blademail atos ghost etc etc) and can just smash the enemy team and win. ur hero farms pretty fast anyway its not like ur playing aa where u need items and cant farm

                      when u buy midas on this hero u ensure that u will still be "vulnerable". even with veil u have what, 8 armor? if u had another item instead u would be much more threatening. the only reason im making this topic is because ive seen like 5 necros go midas when theyre losing and then jsut feed relentlessly because they get caught out and have no way to live

                      sure theres situations where its good which is mainly if the game will not be closed out but u dont hav et oworry overmuch about if u win the next fight, this usually happens with/against tinker, zeus+under, etc. but people buy it in the worst times for some baffling reason


                        Torte de Lini is a legend btw

                        Riguma Borusu

                          Well yeah, I understand those arguments and don't in any way disagree with them, I only had a gripe with item statistics on dotabuff.

                          I think there are few things as frustrating as seeing a core get a midas to delay being useful forever, in 3k you often see slarks get midas, which delays their map presence by at least 5-10 minutes at which points enemy supports are already laying down wards and might have defensive items anyways. Unlike BS, Slark is an example of a hero that loses solo killing potential by going for a midas, and you don't even go midas on BS every game.

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                            I go Midas 8 out of 10 games on carries I play because it increases the gpm in my profile which makes me good like a decent player LUL.

                            @RPQ-Sama I only go Midas on Bs if I can get it around 9 minute mark and at that time if the game is really going well for me I should have PMS/OOV/Phase/Wind Lace & Midas.

                            Цей коментар був відредагований
                            Riguma Borusu

                              I get a midas if I know I'll run around killing people a lot so I will be away from lane and jungle creeps dying a lot of the time. BS is okay at farming the jungle but he's much better at farming heroes, so you can pass by a hard camp, snatch a big creep, then kill an underleveled support or the enemy carry. This is much better than committing to your own jungle as bs, or showing in lanes at all times, having enemy oblivious to your existence on the map EXCEPT FOR when you're murdering them is a preferred BS playstyle imo.

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                              Giff me Wingman

                                Fuck you, midas is love midas is life


                                  ok kid dont cry for a game u lost with necro midas while you were as always stomping ITS OK BRO u gona survive now go back to kindergarten and suck that baby bottle


                                    don't buy talisman, it has a 37% winrate


                                      For an offlane Necro I would always want to get blink asap to secure kills on those heros that are currently snowballing. Ive played a couple of times with 6ks and they were doing this everytime we were losing early game. They just focused the guy who was dominating.


                                        I'd rather get a useful item that lets me farm heroes than midas. Just not my style.


                                          The only heroes I'd get midas on are the naturally slow farmers who have a +% xp talent like Abaddon. Necro farms fast anyways.


                                            Had a 3 minute death cool down timer after buying back and getting scythed down , felt like forever . We still won barely and I looked back at replay and I was still top network he after the buyback and 3 min down time .

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              Midas is bad for farming, it's good for xp heroes, or heroes who can use the attack speed. Which is why I won't slaughter someone for getting it on like wk or viper or sf, even though I'd rather they build something else, at least attack speed is useful on them. On necro it's not useful and I don't think he particularly needs levels.

                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                Midas is not bad for farming. It barely gives extra XP after the nerf. It's an okay item if you know there won't be any fights and you will force the enemy to pressure you/make bad plays.

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  Actually now that I think about it on necro that's probably true. Most heroes it slows their farm cus they are better off picking up dps items to go clear waves and jungle faster so it takes forever for midas to come out ahead. But necro farms with death pulse and has no mana issues with his regen so more items don't accelerate his farm. So if he's not fighting why not? But a necro who isn't fighting early is probably not having a great game.

                                                  That's probably why I don't mind it on SF either, cus he farms well with raze so delaying dps item doesn't slow his farm much.


                                                    idk why ppl buy this item on necro at all.

                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                      But necro farms with death pulse and has no mana issues with his regen so more items don't accelerate his farm.

                                                      Bliunk and force staff are probably better than midas in terms of gold/xp accrued through rotating jungle and split pushing. Don't forget that mobility is antimage's most important feature that lets him farm fast, so a bit of mobility always helps. Deah Pulse has a cooldown, but sometimes it will take more time than the cooldown to walk from camp to camp/lane. The difference from midas is that midas helps you clear a big camp on your way to your target, rather than rotating the jungle randomly.

                                                      Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                        HEY!! Don't fucking tell me what to do, ok? idc mmr and I play for fun lol.


                                                          Brown boots radiance every game


                                                            Tho i heard i think that was bsj that midas as an item after your first core item (or any farming item in general) is good if you know the flow of the game would actually be about farming. Ex. You cant force towers or pick offs because the items you have wont make you survive their black hole iceblast combo.