So is he actually coaching you, or is this just some kind of weird homo-erotic fantasy of yours?
I don't like using the word "cringe" because I think that the word itself is "cringey" but I believe that this word sumps up this post just fine.
Roses are red
Flowers are in different colors
Cookie guide making him 20 thousand dollars
I lied i can
SEA-tards love treating their Steam profiles like Facebook because they think they can actually get laid on Steam. Why can't they just use anime profile pictures like us other Asians?
what do you do vs a team actively trying to shut you down? as in, they counterpick, give you the worst dual offlane imaginable(weaver + undying) your team feeds the other two lanes, the enemy wards your jungle and camps out in it while morph splitpushes and gets eblade?
I went talon -> jungle after spending all my regen getting lasthits, the enemy didn't try and take the tower early so I couldn't last hit by T2.
Then I got 4 man ganked because they dewarded us.
what could I have done?
Why can't they just use anime profile pictures like us other Asians?
mine is reserved for stale memes, sorry
I got a coach named Cookie, he likes to meet with a rookie, he knows he has a hard duty, he is writing a dota guide goodly, that is very efficient and tricky, tells you how to alst hit, with every single second tick, makes your carry strong as a BRICK, gives your hero BALLS and DICK, gives you much map awareness, Plays your hero with much dearness, gets angry at you at your mistakes, scolds you what you negate, talks wonderfully like DRAKE, makes the game a piece of cake, shows you your weakness, removes all your dullness, knows everything like a bookie, he is my super coach cookie.
I got a coach named Cookie, he likes to meet with a rookie, he knows he has a hard duty, he is writing a dota guide goodly, that is very efficient and tricky, tells you how to alst hit, with every single second tick, makes your carry strong as a BRICK, gives your hero BALLS and DICK, gives you much map awareness, Plays your hero with much dearness, gets angry at you at your mistakes, scolds you what you negate, talks wonderfully like DRAKE, makes the game a piece of cake, shows you your weakness, removes all your dullness, knows everything like a bookie, he is my super coach cookie.
I got a coach named Cookie, he likes to meet with a rookie, he knows he has a hard duty, he is writing a dota guide goodly, that is very efficient and tricky, tells you how to alst hit, with every single second tick, makes your carry strong as a BRICK, gives your hero BALLS and DICK, gives you much map awareness, Plays your hero with much dearness, gets angry at you at your mistakes, scolds you what you negate, talks wonderfully like DRAKE, makes the game a piece of cake, shows you your weakness, removes all your dullness, knows everything like a bookie, he is my super coach cookie.
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