General Discussion

General DiscussionLow Skill Theorycrafting

Low Skill Theorycrafting in General Discussion

    So I was looking at discussion about hero mastery at "MMR and Fair Picks" thread

    It makes me think. Lately, my hero pool which I confident enough to play becomes so shit.
    Cores I have: Necro, Sniper
    Support I have: AA, Lich, Silencer, SWM

    And I lost my confidence on 2 of my most ex-reliable heroes: Medusa and CM

    I found out that I lack variance in case our team need a tanky frontliner who could initiate (Axe, Tide, LC, Slardar), an early figher core (Jugg, Ursa, Sven?)

    I theorycraft by myself that at least you need about 3 heroes for each position to be able to play confidently, and even better if they are spread enough on playstyle

    I divide playstyle by initiators (mostly offlane or pos 4 support?), frontline DPS (melee safelane and mids), backline dps (ultra long range safelane and mids, in-and-out melee like ember/QoP/PA), tempo dictators (nuker mid, roamers), heals/sustains/lane babysitters (mostly pos 5 with exception of Necro and Omni)

    With that in mind, what heroes that are easy to learn to satisfy each pos and roles? I thought of:
    Pos 1: Snip, Drow, Sven, Jugg, Ursa
    Pos 2: QoP, Lina, Necro, PA
    Pos 3: Necro (somewhat better in low level pubs since their carry simply dying to aura?), Slardar, Axe?
    Pos 4: I have no idea who should be put here. CM SWM SB maybe? I rarely roam.
    Pos 5: Lich Warlock WD

    ^is this enough? Forget about Arc Invoker Meepo Chen Enchant or any other micro intensive for now, I'm just a low level scrub, also somewhat worse at playing melee xD

    Thank you

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    chicken spook,,,,

      I theorycraft by myself that at least you need about 3 heroes for each position to be able to play confidently, and even better if they are spread enough on playstyle

      No, you need to be able to play the heroes you play on your mmr level


        ^ I mean to learn at least 3 heroes for each pos, or should spam lich/necro all day works? It's so boring though

        Riguma Borusu

          spam whatever you can win with, it doesn't matter, don't try to shoehorn yourself into fake versatility where you can play anything but can't gain MMR because people who spam shit will always be superior to you just being barely good at something


            Pretty sure you should try am too. Try picking 1 role and play only that role but make also practice 1 other role as a backup plan. For me, i spend 1 month to practice mid so that if my safelane carry got picked i can just go mid instead.

            chicken spook,,,,

              spam whatever you want*
              You either spam to learn or spam to win


                Your list looks fine. I'd stop playing jugg cuz that hero sucks. Sniper and drow are situational. So fuck those as well.

                You could just play necro every game. Mid safelane or offlane. And you'd still own. Just saying. No need to over complicate things


                  @fx: my AM is shit though lol. 28% winrate for now

                  @rpq: noted. I was thinking to do the learning first while not care too much about mmr

                  @diox: you aren't the original troll diox right? Your post make sense. The problem with necro is he can't take objective fast, you still need team at the end

                  chicken spook,,,,

                    Jacked have the "too lazy to change name" syndrome

                    chicken spook,,,,

                      Basically anything that can hit towers or snowball without relying on teammates is good if you're looking to win games