General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed to buff juggernaut??

Need to buff juggernaut?? in General Discussion


    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

      He is a bit underwhelmed but honestly I don't think that alarming, he is certainly not the worst hero out there. And honestly he sat on the throne for way too much time

      Let the guy relax on the situational tier for a bit. He deserves some quiet time after his hard work since 6.83

      chicken spook,,,,

        Meta change would bring him back


          You just won three games in a row with Juggernaut, not a great indicator that he's in desperate need of a buff.


            Yes he needs buff. He is very weak right now only good thing about him is free magic immunity for running away since he can spin all he want but sven or pa just ignores his spinning gimmick and 4 hits his ass. Once you see your team pick jugg you can just pick natures prophet go to jungle and watch game of thrones since the game is lost anyway.

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              I think his damage is weak. You can barely kill supports with Omnislash now, let alone carries. His farming speed is still decent but he is too reliant on his ulti in teamfights to do meaningful damage and even then it can be countered by Force Staff, Manta or Glimmer Cape.

              Riguma Borusu

                Last month I lost 58% games with jugg in my team. The hero just doesn't really do anything. When I see jugg having free farm on the enemy team, I let him be and then keep killing him later.

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                  They should let Juggernaut deal physical damage while using Blade Fury and rework the damage dealt across various levels.


                    I think he is in a great spot.


                      jugg is fine
                      he is one of my comfort heroes in the safe lane, he is just more situational than before
                      dont pick him every game and it will probably be fine
                      i lost my last 2 games but won like 6-7 in a row before that.


                        umm nope?


                          Jug is fine. I have not lost a game with him yet.


                            Jug is fine, very fast attack animation, great skills, hp gain, natural armor, movement speed, he is completely fine


                              He's fine.


                                He's not sick and his cancer is cured. He's fine.