General Discussion

General DiscussionIf it worth it to Denie creeps

If it worth it to Denie creeps in General Discussion

    To creep lane equilibrium right just outside your tower range which does not let the Offaner get lane experience or gold or , when you have ring of health is It better to shove lane and farm jungle which increases your battle fury Timing but gives the off laner gold and experience on antimage / other carries .

    I usually go the route of keeping lane static in front of my tower which eventually throws the off laner out of lane then my support usually just goes roam so even though I am delaying my timing a bit I feel it is worth because i am screwing their offlaner plus allowing my support to roam . What do y’all think is better / it probs is game dependent and maybe I should shove the lane more often?

    Ця тема була відредагована
    Potato Marshal

      O’Flaherty? What?


        ^ edited lol , dam auto correct


          well it depends on the lane
          sometimes lane equilibrium doesnt matter too much, like if ur not threatened by roamers or if u cant zone the offlaner regardless of his position
          it also depends on whether ur hero can even take the large camp and what items he needs to do it
          i recommend bsj for in depth info on this kinda stuff


            Denying creep is fun. Idk if there is some hidden purpose.

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              you get meaningful farm after you get to around level 7 and by then the offlaner will have probably left the lane


                Depends on the offlaner. If for example, you play AM & there is offlane LC, you will probably prefer to shut her down to delay her blink timing because she is a huge treat to u. To simplify if when offlaner gets lvl 6, u wouldn't feel safe, it's better to shut down than maximize farm.