General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to farm as a support?

How to farm as a support? in General Discussion
69 god

    Playing position 4 support , I feel, is the most difficult. You're supposed to gank, take care of the carry, offlaner and GET ITEMS. Playing a hero with some spammable skills, you can get a bit of farm. Considering rubick or a pos 4 earth shaker, you can get some farm. How can you get items as some heroes, for example lich?


      assist in kills get last hits when your laners aren't there, don't miss pull last hits if you don't give them to the safe laner, don't buy shit items
      and bounty runes, thats about it


        gank foes

        < blank >

          ditch hoes


            It's the easies of the 5 roles. Mostly because pubbers are shit and don't do their job


              Also if you can, courier snipes are a great way to deny the other team access to the courier and get a good influx of gold. Also, I find going into the enemy jungle( if possible) and pulling their creeps while they are not in lane gets you farm and a much easier position to gank from.


                Support want farm wtf? Gg end fast no def ty

                chicken spook,,,,

                  >Stack and pull.
                  >Get Back!
                  >Push Now!

                  Can't Buy Culture

                    bounty runes :). if you play properly, you can get 2 every 2 mins

                    meteor hammer



                        you get gold from killing heros ideally

                        you grab bounty runes in between rotations ( at xx:50 you walk to the enemy rune spot to grab that first for double the value)

                        when your carry farms some jungle camps or your mid leaves the lane you go there and farm the wave (even if its just 1 creep, the XP is more imortant)

                        < need XX XP for level 6
                        < need XX gold for blink dagger
                        very good communication possibilities

                        if you play heros like SB or SK with an escape and decent waveclear you can also do some splitpushing when you need lvls or a specific item

                        you just need to actively watch the map and think where to do what, eventually youll get a good feeling for it

                        when i play spirit breaker im often the highest lvl hero on my team because i think im very efficient at roaming

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                        69 god

                          Thanks guys :)


                            from pulling and assist that enough


                              and bounty aswell


                                Be off the map as much as possible to threaten all lanes
                                zone either the enemy offlaner or the enemy position 5 between 0.30 and 1.45
                                steal enemy bounty rune
                                zone somebody or set up a gank
                                buy boots
                                pick own bounty on your way back to base
                                farm neutrals on you way back to base if you have mana and hp left
                                call your pos 5 to smoke, kill somebody with him, steal bounty

                                I spam bara right now, buying midas whenever i can afford it before 16min (urn and brown boots before)


                                  Oh and if you are not Level 6 by 10min ask Somebody to let you take his lane for a minute, keeping up in levels is important. Ive seen level 4 earthshakers 20min into games


                                    Most supports have some kind of spammable skill, that you should use to last hit creeps.

                                    For example, lich has frost nova. Use it to last hit creeps in lane. If the carry cries about taking his farm, mute him. If he reports you, you report him back.

                                    You should also get hand of midas.

                                    You should steal the starting bounty rune from your mid.

                                    Hope this helps. don't let your teammates hold you back.