General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to play multi unit heroes?

How to play multi unit heroes? in General Discussion
Friendly player

    I would like to start playing with arc warden. Biggest problem is the ultimate, its hard for me to play with 2 units. Any tips?


      The most important thing, while playing multi unit heroes is "TAB" or "select next unit" key. Second, the settings to autocast (mainly in case of meepo, poof) and the control group (meepo groups, and chen creeps) . Third, is practice with positioning and map awareness (you don't want you chen to be in middle of the battle and all ur possessed creeps in the backline). There are many more tips, guess the community will cover it here. These are the ones that i find important.

      P.S- This is assuming you use the "select hero", "select all units" and "select other units" keys with muscle memory. Arc would be similar to the heroes that i mentioned.

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        one syllable anglo-saxon


          Friendly player

   here my second game with him

            meteor hammer

              play the double and afk ur main in fog 4head

              then get flamed for having awful micro and still win 65% of the time

              Friendly player

                How much mmr can i rise with your method "play only with clone, afk and win 65% of games"?

                meteor hammer

                  a lot

                  all u have to learn to micro is how to kill ppl at 6: r q tab q e tab e click, later on u split u and the clone up to keep ur hero safe.

                  u will be better with micro obv but u can probably get 40 kills against 1ks with travels+shadow blade+bloodthorn+mj clone

                  u can kill ppl at 3-5 too if they are stupid (aka not near creep)

                  meteor hammer

                    i was mainly making fun of myself because every other game ppl ping me and ask why im afk LUL

                    Riguma Borusu

                      You can get to at least about 5.5k, because that was autobiographical on JDF's behalf.

                      meteor hammer

                        ok guys i got complimented on my micro ive hit peak arc warden


                          if anything then starting playing multi unit heroes is gonna shit on your mmr
                          implying u arent very familiar with microing

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                          meteor hammer

                            i mean u can play visage with a very rudimentary knowledge of micro i bet

                            u literally never HAVE to split up ur units, the birds just act as semi invulnerable ranged dps. u can just group 3 and right click shit while casting ur mains spells


                              coz visage is dumb hero rn. u select birds, u right click on a hero -> the hero dies gg
                              play anything else = lose


                                ^ as a former visage spammer, this is correct

                                ofc there's a more depth to the hero and reward for microing properly but the micro entry level is fairly low

                                meteor hammer

                                  is arc warden any difference in 1k though (thats this guys mmr)

                                  just use the clone as a dps and midas engine, keep them together and click everything to death OR use the clone and afk main

                                  especially if u go bkb how do 1k players stop u lul


                                    i dunno i usually fail my lane or miss tons of cs with his garbage animation and get a late midas and im behind for entire game


                                      i dunno i usually fail my lane or miss tons of cs with his garbage animation and get a late midas and im behind for entire game

                                      god forbid if my lane actually gets contested


                                        whatever, if a hero has way lower winrate in a lower mrr bracket than in a high mrr bracket then as a lower mmr player then playing this hero will shit on ur mmr

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                                        meteor hammer

                                          ouch xd

                                          i dunno i usually fail my lane or miss tons of cs with his garbage animation and get a late midas and im behind for entire game
                                          god forbid if my lane actually gets contested

                                          yeah if ur midas gets too delayed its SUPER FUCKIGN PAINFUL

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            Do people get medallion before midas on this hero? I remember seeing a visage spammer do it to kill a few people before getting his midas, and it was very effective, but he got midas first in about 9/10 of games in general.

                                            meteor hammer

                                              visage? yes

                                              afaik medal is 10000% core wheras midas is sometimes skipped also


                                              Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                yea as soon as u grab medallion you can just take urself and birds and kill someone


                                                  somehow whenever i play carry i feel like i haven't missed much cs and end up at barely 50/10min and then i watch some high mmr streamers missing super easy lasthits and topping 80 easily even when they're against heroes like batrider as a melee

                                                  i think i have autism

                                                  Цей коментар був відредагований

                                                    dude if i can do this visage then u dont need micro for this hero
                                                    also abandoned this game cuz internet dc but we shat on em so much we won lmao


                                                      hero is so broken i wud mismirco and be controlling my bird with hero standing still and i wudnt die lmao