General Discussion

General DiscussionBloodstone on tinker. Help me out.

Bloodstone on tinker. Help me out. in General Discussion
69 god

    I've usually seen bloodstone on tinker. Yeah you get some mana to cast maybe 2 spells more. Deny spawns you quickly. Usually seen it when tinker is in the winning team. But I'm never much comfortable going this item on tinker. I wanted to know more about bloodstone on tinker. How useful it is. And at what approximate minute mark should we get it or like after how many items should we get it.
    Thanks. :)

    meteor hammer

      after hex when u dont want bkb/respawn fast is more important

      before hex if the games a brawl with tons of kills and they aren't building bkb (lol) or they rushed bkb min 20 and have 5s

      i dislike this item personally but i think that puts me in the minority

      Vem Comigo

        buy 5 dagons 5, best int item

        69 god

          That hex point is fine but I've seen it with aether lens and dagon and sometimes with aether lens and scepter. I don't find any uniform use of this item.


            soul ring > bloodstone on tinker, i can say cuz ima sub 3k trash mmr with 0 tinker game

            Free 2 Play Scootz

              I personally don’t like the item on tinker. Soul ring is a must and turning it into a bloodstone kinda reduces the total mana u get in one go out of base.


                I personally don't buy it just for the increase in mana pool, because Shivas / Hex give almost the same mana increase, while at the same time bringing a lot of other value.

                The 2 situations where I go bloodstone on Tinker are as follows:

                1) When I want more survivability in games where I feel safe getting into the middle of fights, because the enemy has little lockdown or I know my teammates can back me up and save me. This usually involves building a shivas first for armor, and then the bloodstone for a boost to my HP. In these games I often combine it with the +armor and + HP talent. My build will look something like: Blink -> Aether -> maybe Aghs -> Shivas -> Bloodstone. This is a small % of games for me though (maybe 10-15%), but a larger # of games than situation #2.

                2) When I want an item to boost my mana pool, hex/shivas are not particularly amazing, AND I can fit a new soul ring into my inventory after buying the bloodstone. For example when the enemy only has 1 right clicker (thus aghs is not amazing), and a hero like necro that suffers from magical burst during ghost shroud, I will go something like: Blink -> Aether -> Dagon 2/3 -> Bloodstone -> new Soul Ring -> Dagon 5 -> other items.

                In short, I don't care super much about the reduced respawn, I sometimes buy it for a mana pool increase, but mostly buy it for extra HP and survivability in games where it can help me survive when I get caught out of position (not in games where I'm 100% dead as soon as I'm caught).


                  i always go after blink blodstone cause next20 mins i can have 6 items and buyback and u can do combos 4 times while without it after 2 combos u must b
                  also les gold lose faster respawn
                  my usual timing for bloodstone is ~20 min when good game when harder ~24-25

                  i never go aether since i have alot games and i can position myself as far as most posible and i also seen many aether tinkers blinking in front of enemie LOL ( thats the stupid shit ever , like those people dont use brain at all)
                  after bloodstone get soul ring also and u have a 5 - 6 combo drop and no need to tp in base while fight is on

                  69 god

                    Thanks for your replies and specially Peel for you elaborated answer :)


                      Why nobody ever tries the Mjollnir, satanic, shadow blade build? Infinite invis, infinite broodmother ult, infinite lightnings? You can also get shivas, hex, bloodthorn for more utility and dps

                      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                        Maybe because satanic isn't really worth a damn on a hero with horrible short range attack , and has no ehp in first place

                        And the lightning and shadow blade are again, because he has no right click to use them on first place

                        And also you won't have any mana, how would you rearm on first place? That skill isn't really easy on your pool


                          mlojnir is actualy nice 5 th + item before rosh figt use on all heroes and masive dmg

                          also bloodthorn good shit but as 5th item least

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            i think its only worth it with the aether lens/aghs build. otherwise just get hex/dagon


                              ive seen best tinker player,, Chains,, going always bloodstone and many high mmr pub games with inyourdreams etc they go bloodstone dagon eblade hex /shiva build
                              i find it much better than aether agh build