General Discussion

General DiscussionMeteor Hammer

Meteor Hammer in General Discussion

    I think item is not that great on most heroes. Cast range is quite short (600) & u need to channel it for 3s, in fights it's garbage. It gives kinda shitty stats for the price it has. I don't think it's worth to buy it if ur not stomping & want to end the game fast or it's ultra late game & u get it as 7th slot & swap when it's on cd. Only hero I think it might be broken is Bristleback. It's a perfect item for him - mana regen & good STR & it's not like enemy will jump on u, when u channel it. Bristleback with this item might be ultra cancerous.


      try it on jakiro and tell me how long a tower lasts




          It costs nearly 2.7k gold. It's not like supports will rush it, but it might be viable on offlane Jakiro. Not sure if moblity item is not better on him first.

          Dire Wolf

            It does a shit ton of dmg to towers, 60 dps that early is insane. Do you remember old sniper shrapnel? That only did 16 dps or 160 over 10 seconds to towers and it wrecked them if you spammed it. It does 360 dmg to a tower over 6 seconds, pugna rank 4 netherblast without talents does 162 dmg to a tower. Sure pugna can spam, but get 2 supports with meteor hammers walking up to an undefended tower and they'll drop it now. Amazing for split push. Not sure about high ground cus standing still for 3s to channel probably means you will die since range isn't too terribly long.

            But it's quite obvious valve wants to make sieging high ground eaiser with removal of shrines in base plus some other tower nerfs.

            It's mostly going to be super good on pushing heroes like pugna, np, arc. They can get it plus a necro book, tp to a tower and drop half it's hp and run away. Fuck even tinker could probably be a tower pusher with it, march to tower then drop this thing, rearm if no one shows up and do it again.

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              The way mk talents have been reworked make him a somehow good nuker
              With meteor hammer you'll channel in the trees it could be good


                IDK man, it really cost a lot. It does a lot of dmg to tower, but it has 40s cd & u need to channel it for 3s. If your ranged - why not get deso, no cd, big dmg, slightly more expensive. For me this item feels kinda overrated, besides Bristle, I still think you get other items on other heroes. It's good if you just can't go highground & enemy can't go lowground, but it's still v. situational.


                  Also don't forget that pipe works on towers. It basically fully negates this item.


                    We completely forgot about elder titan tho
                    great item on him

                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                      buying an AoE stun with 3k gold is something
                      MK can seriously use it to setup his ult and everything

                      You can use it with SB too? Channeling doesn't break invis, just like SF's ult, right?

                      Quite a great extra utility item to get for pos 3 like Beastmaster that gets SB to initiate sometimes


                        ^3s seems like a long time, AOE is only 300, I think it's not that ez to use besides sieging. I don't have test client installed, but you probably target it by groud. It's super unreliable.

                        Дима Смирнов

                          try it on tinker

                          Cheap Laugh Guy

                            3s channeling is the only thing that prevents it from being OP


                              Sacred bird - it doesn't work on Tinker (he can't rearm it)
                              Into The Window of Soul - I think they will need to lower the channeling time to make it useful besides sieging, but let's see, maybe I'm totally wrong & the item is already OP.

                              Riguma Borusu

                                has anyone tried to use it with glimmer cape?


                                  Can the enemy see the animation like blood rite or is it like sunstrike where all they see is the impact?


                                    also, this sounds rlly good on dark willow
                                    like, u can bramble into cursed crown into meteor, SeemsGood


                                      I feel Like this item can win roshfights . If you stand behind the back of the pit where they don't see you and throw the meteor in the pit while they're taking rosh you get vision and a stun and huge damage.

                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                        really not getting the hype about the item, esp the idea that support would for whatever reason get it

                                        if ure allowed to channel near a tower for 3s ure usually already in a position to take it down, id rather spend the gold on mek/force/literally anything else to keep me and cores alive so they can hit towers instead