General Discussion

General DiscussionThe Radiant/Dire winrate disparity - revisited

The Radiant/Dire winrate disparity - revisited in General Discussion

    Prior to 7.07, there was no doubt Radiant consistently had a higher winrate across all brackets by a huge margin (between 4 and 5% for me atleast). This stayed true before 7.00 as well despite the advantages Dire had over the Roshan pit access.

    After 7.07 though, this was addressed with a lot of changes that made both sides close to identical on their respective lanes.

    1. Mid lane can be ganked by either sides for both lanes.
    2. Dire safe lane jungle pull area has major changes that make it geographically similar to radiant.
    3. Jungle around Dire mid tower reworked for better juke path.
    4. Ward spots near Roshan pit are now removed entirely (earlier, Radiant spot gave vision to pit entrance, Dire's did not.)

    The question is, has that changed now? Is it too early to tell or has there been significant improvement to balance the two factions?

    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

      Didn't dire had like 54% winrate at 7.06?


        I don't have Dotabuff Plus, so I can't apply some of the filters, but I doubt Dire had a higher winrate than Radiant in any patch.

        Jiren The Gray

          this is my main acc and i have 300 mmr, just because i started playing ranked really early and... yeah, so its a really good opportunity to get 4k on this account

          Story Time

            the question can be answered only with more data, so we have to wait a bit to see.


              Radiant mid and Off still hast better access to jungle camps imo. Dire has to walk past ancients to get to medium/hard camp


                That is true, but you can also farm three camps in the Dire offlane jungle with certain heroes but you can't do the same in Radiant jungle.

                Also, roaming supports, especially invisible ones can walk between the Dire mid tier 2 and tier 3 tower to kill couriers but not between the Radiant ones. Might be a small detail but possibly relevant.

                Nervous Bakedown

                  There wont be a time where both sides are completely even for a very long time and when that time comes Dota is going to be really boring.