General Discussion

General DiscussionI am so confused.

I am so confused. in General Discussion

    I have no fucking clue why this hero is being first picked and first phase ban worthy in professional tournaments. EG's Crit has an obsession over it, and arguably lost his team TI coz of it, OG's Fly is starting to follow suit and now, so are some of the rest of the teams.

    I thought this hero was garbage. DansGame Explain?

    chicken spook,,,,

      They watched miracle pub highlights too much

      chicken spook,,,,

        Seriously though, offlane ww had quite some success on the hands of Chinese teams and Mineski


          Lets try mid ww, first build vanguard into abyssal


            bkb piercing disable

            counter to summon/illu heros like beastmaster/ natures prophet/broodmother


              BKB piercing disable that renders all damage dealt by you or your team ineffective.

              Earthshaker/Timbersaw better counter to illusion/summon heroes amongst others.

              The only really good spell (Arctic Burn) on a super long cooldown even at level 4.

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                I was thinking "huh EG.Cr1t wasn't he kicked?"
                And then I remember he's somehow still in the team


                  At first I thought he had an obsession with the hero and therefore warranted being moved back to position 4 with Fear at position 5 but now that other teams followed suit, I started wondering why the priority over the hero.

                  Even the recent Offlane Winter Wyvern blog post didn't have enough positives over negatives to explain it.