General Discussion

General DiscussionIs the BF and meta change enough to bring back BF builds into meta?

Is the BF and meta change enough to bring back BF builds into meta? in General Discussion

    on heroes like PA or Ember or whatever

    Friendly player

      Nice trolling, please stop.


        Solo MMR

        Party MMR

        get lost.

        both items are great, what people don't understand is at lower mmr bf on pa is basically a core build since you don't have supports and cannot handle the lane alone so u go for bf which grants u insane hp and mana regen on the lane. later on u can outfarm other carries and win the game solo if there arent that many counters.


          its almost core in very high mmr too, at this point. just check guides.

          Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

            it looks like bf build is back on ember as most people are building it on the guides, idk about PA though

            Riguma Borusu

              envy built it


                More about the game tempo/ draft/laning stage etc...
                Not bout gud on this bad on dat

                chicken spook,,,,

                  Better than before obviously.


                    I think meta is not stable enough to decide somethin with guides and builds. But imho bf on pa is really good thing cuz u can do a "balanced bounce-back farming" really effective and useful. Balanced bounce-back farming is mid game type of farm, when you are switchin between lane and jungle periodically. As enemy creeps reached your tower, you farm lane until ur creeps gonna start pushing enemy tower and jungle stacks are back,then, move to jungle to let enemy creeps push. Push+Farm+Taking enemy's supports.


                      Yes, battlefury is now viable on pa or jug for example.


                        A 6k explained it in twitch chat as - you build deso first PA if you think you can win in 20 minutes. You build battlefury first PA if you want to secure the game by 35 minutes.


                          400g less but damage got cut by 10

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