General Discussion

General Discussion7.07 mm changes

7.07 mm changes in General Discussion

    Hi guys i write here in search of an aswer.
    They changed a old and used system instead of get it better, why? We just played till now to a crap game?
    They just take other games system and applicate to dota 2...
    They dont even explain well how the swap will work...
    Same for the random fruit stuff and changes, this is just garbage.
    The 10 random heroes copyng HotS rotation system and the new mmr ranks. Copyng st2\LoL.

    I mean really feels like a joke.
    They added a lot of good stuff but also a lot of great garbage.
    Seems like volvo have pshyco problems.
    What are your toughts?


      Seasonal rank system is great imo. I played a lot of SC2 few years back, and I think that system represents the actual skill of the player much more. They introduced a toned down MMR reset for everyone, which a lot of people wanted. Now they can show, that they are really diamonds in the mud.

      The random change just prevents some high-skilled people to exploit MM. Starting with 825 gold was a huge advantage ( not imba at all, though, since you had to be decent on 50%+ of the heroes ).