General Discussion

General DiscussionMidas as a comeback item for safelaners?

Midas as a comeback item for safelaners? in General Discussion
doc joferlyn simp

    You get screwed in your lane by a double offlane, your support is not competent or his hero is inherently bad against the enemy laners. In 10 minutes you're 0-2 and all you've been able to afford is Treads/Phase/Any boots 'cept Travels, PMS Stout Shield, Quelling Blade, leftover Tangoes (you ferried some earlier since you ran out of regen), and Raindrop with 3 charges left.

    Considering you're a traditional Agi safelaner that hits power spikes in the mid to early-ish late game (PA, Slark, Jugg, Pangolier Clinkz, etc) is it worth it to try and invest in a Midas? Considering enemy carry's playstyle is the same as yours but he's more farmed, and all the lanes broke even except yours, do you continue with your normal item build and hope for the best? Or Midas?

    Have seen quite a lot of pros just set themselves on making a Midas from a bad lane. But what I've always known and been taught to is that never ever get Midas when the timing is not extremely early. So what's the deal for 7.07?

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      You need to expect your team to pull a lost game longer for you when you get a Midas which can't help ganks.

      Fee Too Pee

        U make midas when you are winning and take early advantages to even more advantages in exp.

        if you make midas when losing, you lost more

        Story Time

          the topic sounds like: marrying stripper when you are dead. Sounds wrong, does not work