General Discussion

General DiscussionMy observations, thoughts

My observations, thoughts in General Discussion

    Team Liquid contest roshan earliest in game than any team
    Team Liquid take roshan per game more than any team
    Team Liquid contest highground more than any team( i would say their average t3 lockdown is below 20 min)
    Team Liquid trio GH Kuro and Mindcontrol make space for safelaner more than any trio ever

    Also , i find watching pro games live on twitch not fun without twitch chat

    Sorry english trash im from serbia :(


      You're putting the cart before the horse.

      Liquid does roshan earlier in the game BECAUSE they're Liquid and win team fights that allows them to Rosh early. It's not like EG or Newbee wouldn't Rosh as frequently if they could.


        I agree with Stentorian.
        Liquid as a team seem to be incredibly efficient at finding space and farm for their carries and are not afraid to rotate and change their lanes/lineups if they see it as a benefit. They're not static like we would be in pub games.

        Because of their willingness to make advantages in any way, they always seem to make up a ton of space and opportunities for themselves, and since they are always willing to take risks, tend to have a high risk high reward scenario that always seemed to work out.


          Yea thats the point EG cant do that cause they tresh big :(


            I think EG just seems disorganized right now and they lack the 'killer instinct' where they would find picks in the weirdest places to make opportunities.

            I'm sure they'll get back up though. It's early on in the season and they have always been slow to get going


              ye EG is struggling rn
              actually NA in general is struggling
              people confuse competitive and good, everyone says "NA is more competitive than ever". but as sumail said, theyre competitive but only mediocre

              like a lot of teams have held the position u describe for liquid rn, u cud even say VP rn does it better, but teams dont hold the spotlight forever
              idk if liquid will be like old eg who got in the top 3-4 of like every tournament for 3 years or smth, until ti7 of course


                I think that all falls under the players themselves and their coaching staff being fast enough to prepare correctly for the patches.
                Every team goes up and down based on the patch, and so far, if we disregard the loss to VP in the semis of one of the tournaments, Liquid have still been doing well with their P/B and their play.

                I personally think Liquid have a great mindset as an organization and can provide the proper support for their players so it's all dependent on them at the end of the day.