General Discussion

General DiscussionNew way to troll with courier update.

New way to troll with courier update. in General Discussion

    So something new happened today, my support got in a fight with someone that he had in the previous game at picks. He then ran the courier to the enemy team and we now cant buy another one because of the giant cool down.

    Anyone have any thoughts or predictions as to what theyre gunna do next to make trolls have more power?

    зачем я начал поиск

      I was among the first to find that out.
      You can buy and break the courier or take it away and not activate.

      It has a 70 minute CD, so no one can buy another one.
      Brilliant way to entertain yourself on a smurf account with F behaviour score.


        Just make the courier spawn when someone buys it. No need to have it as an item.


          Or just give each team a free cour at the start, which is probably what's going to happen in few patches.

          Potato Marshal

            Make each time you control the courier cost 50 gold every minute you control it.


              on my game someoen bought a courier but he didnt spawn. then at 3:00 a flying cour spawned

              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                Can't we just decrease everyone starting gold in 50, and just spawn the courier automatically?