General Discussion

General DiscussionUnwritten rules in High MMR/Professional tournaments

Unwritten rules in High MMR/Professional tournaments in General Discussion

    I'd like to know what are some unwritten rules that most people in high MMRs and professional tournaments adhere to that speak of a nature of mutual respect and therefore do not reflect in lower MMRs.

    Things like:

    1. Pause when someone needs it (regardless of whether they DC)

    2. Let the highest MMR player go mid/pick the role they want (usually core)

    Potato Marshal

      But neither of those are true.


        I don't mean 5k. I mean 7-8k average games.

        I remember watching !Attacker's stream once in which he kept the game paused after draft stage in the background because he had to finish his game of Rocket League or some shit. Some players on the other team watching the stream even all-chatted that but didn't unpause.

        Potato Marshal

          But that's not true in those brackets either.


            hih mmr isnt that much different to lower mmr, ppl who are mad often spam unpause even if some1 is dc'ed

            most tournaments have all the rules in written form, but generally you are always allowed to pause for up to 10-15 minutes, always asking other team's confirmation before unpausing, etc. all chat fake gg calling aint a good habit and sometimes is punished by techloss in higher lvl tournaments.


              Yeah, intentionally calling GG was another one I had in mind. Also, along with the customary sharing of 2 tangoes to mid player, is there also a practice of sharing 1 tango with the safe laner, or was that only before the tango was changed in 7.07?

              And of course, I realise not everyone will adhere to these rules. I am merely looking at it from an ideal point of view where everyone would have that mutual consideration for each other to earn the same.

              Behaviour score applies to all skill brackets and MMRs, but let's not make this a discussion about that, please.

              30 YEAR OLD DOTA VETERAN

                In open qualifiers i remembered indogs vs mongoloyds. One team disconnected but no pause. They are disqualified because of trashtalk not becausr of no pausing


                  Are you above referring to Antipro vs AVS?


                    open qualifiers are a low lvl tournament

                    tangos are nearly always shared to midlaner and sometimes to offlane these days, but it highly depends on draft/players

                    зачем я начал поиск

                      Aren't all the rules specifically noted by the event organizer?


                        Disregarding skill there is absolutely no difference between high and low mmr.

                        Toxic players don't become less toxic just because it's high MMR. You might notice *slightly* less toxicity at high MMR simply because these players are more likely to actually care about their MMR, but the general trend remains the same.

                        Professional games don't really count because what they do is because of rules, or a multitude of other reasons like accountability, friendships, etc.


                          As I mentioned, this is not about whether players are toxic or not.

                          And it's not about rules written by organisers that may differ from tournament to tournament.

                          It's about rules that players follow without being told to, without being reminded of. Obviously, some can make geniune mistakes or forget by accident, but things like supports buying courier, wards, sentries, smoke and sharing two tangoes before TPing to tier 1s to ward as soon as game starts will become mechanical for high MMR players, but not with inexperienced/low skill ones.

                          Of course, I'm also looking for those that extend beyond your team and affect all players on the map, in an effort to make the game enjoyable and fair.


                            well, besides sharing tangos, ull often see

                            -wards rotation between supps if one of them has better accces to warding positions, no matter who actually buys the wards.
                            -no courier reusing; not taking courier around bottle timing of midlaner or midas timing on whoever buys it.
                            -pauses and fair plays if someone on the enemy team was clearly frozen and didnt play, even if the dc notification didnt come up immediatly
                            -ppl buy smokes min 0, even in pub games, at least for the cd timer to start

                            most of the other stuff is highly related to skill rather than habits and playstyles


                              I think its all about respecting your opponent to have a better game win or lose. I dont want to happen to my teamnwhen they got dc. So usually I pause the game to my opponent if this kind such thing happen. Peace out


                                there are no rules


                                  The rules are given by dota, you may do whatever the game lets you do.

                                  To me, yes, the amount of toxic players gets much lower when your mmr jumps by alot. Theres a huge difference between low 2k and high 2k, i expect it to be at one level from 3k to mid 5k

                                  Цей коментар був відредагований
                                  Dire Wolf

                                    There are tournament rules though, idk if they are published or what. But at TI6? I think it was TI6, secret accidentally gg'd vs some team when it was obvious they didn't mean to. I think what happened was you know how it takes two gg's from your team to end the match? They accidentally typed gg once in chat at start of game and then later when opposing team said gg at the end, they replied with gg before the opposing team said their second one and so secret forfieted. It was very obvious they didn't mean to so they fixed it and gave them the win, but next match they were penalized by having zero bonus time for picks.

                                    Frühshoppen only weizen h...

                                      In high mmr pubs the leve of toxicness is way higher then low games, no one cares about manners there or gives a person the role he likes
                                      sad but the truth


                                        Unsurprisingly, this has turned into an argument about toxicity without even meaning to. Ywn is on a whole other level because he thinks he's better than everyone else and these one liners make him cool or some shit.

                                        Maybe the real question would have been to ask what rules people would like to see or should be there to make games fair and more enjoyable.

                                        Anyway, I still stand by what I have experienced and observed. If players on the other team let a streamer on your team finish a different game with Dota in the background, that speaks volumes about how people can behave with strangers in an online game regardless of whether they will get the same treatment.


                                          "Go finish mid. GG" - essence of high mmr Dota. So many players give up so easily.


                                            ^maybe because in high MMR, people hold the lead better, so people know at a certain point that they aren't coming back? I notice that in those 7K+ MMR streams


                                              I dont think im better than everyone else here. I am but, its a fact and im not thinknig bout it or trying to brag. But yeah there arent any rules, atleast not some that arent being broken regularly(giving highest mmr preferred role), so i really odnt know wtf u want me to say


                                                sorry bruv