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General DiscussionNeed A help Since New Update For Support Hero

Need A help Since New Update For Support Hero in General Discussion

    i need help for new meta support for climbing mmr thanks sir

    Player 153433446

      Watch stgsizzles guides on youtube.
      Ez 500mmr in 2 days.


        SKYREKT + ATOS = EZ +25

        4pos pudge/grim only

          clockwerk. just max battery assault and run to each lane. ez cog ez kill

          chicken spook,,,,


            Cheap Laugh Guy

              U dont have to buy tango
              Let offlane and someone else share one with mid


                @all thanks alot for the advice
                anymore advice?thanks


                  Supporting is much more complex than carrying the game where mechanics, farming patters and decision making is the most important.

                  This meta is somewhere between 6.84 old meta and fast pace new meta.


                  1. Outzone enemy offlaner
                  2. always carry tp
                  3. rotate for ganks - and this is the most important, bad supports just stay behind carry leeching exp while obviously he can easily deal with offlaner, or totaly leave carry alone while he has to face underlord or brewmaster solo etc. = decision making

                  Also when you play strategy: 3 defend 2 cores, when 1 of the cores (safe lane carry) is heavily counterpicked, its better to help the mid one or offlaner to pressure enemies. Worst that you can do here is to feed the enemy leaving all lanes lost, game is lost by this time already if you dont manage to secure some kills early game.

                  Rest what you are looking for you will find here:


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                    @lex thanks alot sir

                    wake up :)

                      yo why tf am i reading all of sgtsizzle's replies with his aids voice



                        dont do what LEX said if you didnt complete step one: ZONE OUT THE OFFLANER

                        dont leave your freaking carry behind if he isnt at least 2lvls ahead of the offlaner. and always leave a ward on the enemy side of the river so that he can see ganks coming.

                        no matter how hard the offlaner cries, leave him crying. secure the safelane.
                        just pull and get lvls, be greedy. carry tps if someone gets ganked

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                          the more your offlaner cries
                          the more you make enemy offlaner cry

                          im offlane main. it works. i am 1-10 at 10 minutes but my carry, asks me to stop feed, has 80+lasthits and 1-2 kills = im not worried.


                            Some nice yet retarded tips for playing as a support

                            -pick carry heroes but play it as a support. What i mean is a carry that used to play mid or have some special early advantage so u can harras the shit out of them and not a fragile ones that to ez to kill depending on the pick. This shit is work for me while going ursa support

                            -always deploy smoke before warding at enemy jungle. If u find yourself the smoke effect is gone, u better retreat cuz there is a enemy there. Otherwise, ward the fucking jungle right there

                            -Buy a forcestaff, its a fun weapon


                              Don't pick ineffective heroes as support.

                              E.g. Rubick 5, or MK 4

                              Tuskar and earthspirit are also very situational and have <50% win rate for a reason

                              SS is good. Disruptor is good. SB is good and idiot-proof.

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                                *opens thread*
                                *reads Ursa support*
                                *closes thread*



                                  @all thanks alot sir


                                    Your mother-fucking welcome


                                      bro, u tried huskar sup yet?

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                                        @melt i hasnt sir i dont have the clue huskar support build... maybe u can sir ur build strategy i will consider to try it


                                          @Hatsune cores played in a support capacity are the best. High five. My last game, I was solo support Razor. Last week, I played support Sniper. I'm currently theorizing how to support Void.


                                            activate quickcast

                                            in lane:
                                            move mouse over enemy hero
                                            press W
                                            move mouse over allied hero
                                            press Q

                                            later on:
                                            veil eblade into ult, maybe dagon on top to secure the kill. have a solar crest to survive and a forcestaff to get out. maybe shadowblade works because theres no way to kill invisible hero

                                            support void is easy. just chrono your carry when he uses bkb. thats what offlane voids do all the time, must be good and you dont need items for that.

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                                              Shaman has no bad skills
                                              Lion, his ugly brother, still is one of the best disablers at the 5 position
                                              Venge is relliable and illu on death is pretty good buff
                                              Pudge can take you out if position, no matter how farned you are, at any point in the gane, you can ger hooked and die
                                              Wd is mah favorite
                                              Ogre is my worst fear as an offlaner


                                                @kara jishi sir, in my bracket a hero such a shaman and lion can,t work as position 5... cause in my bracket its hard to get a dagger as i know a hero like shaman and lion is useless without dagger in 30 minutes game..