General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy are Pinoys like that?

Why are Pinoys like that? in General Discussion
Palmen aus Plastik

    The Malays, Indos, Indians, Pakistani idk everyone else have their bad apples, but why are the filipino as a community so......uncouth, should I say. They are not bad players, they are just so.................PINOY! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEM? I have so many filipino friends. and they are nothing like the pinoys I see in Dota. Where do all of them come from?? Can someone explain to me what is this mass mentality to be god-tier toxic? Most don't even know English (international standard language, mind you), even if they do, they wont speak it. Refuse to communicate, quick to blame when blame isn't even due. Are they illiterate? Hard to believe they have ever opened a book in their lives, the way they type. Are they all 12 year olds, who struggle to manage their testosterone levels, so much so that the urge to be an incompetent fool overwhelms their senses? Are they plain idiots? Is there something wrong with the air they breathe in?

    Ця тема була відредагована

      I wonder...would you think the same of pinoys if you didnt hear the stereotypes about them?

      I have 4k games on eu servers...half the time I play with russians, they are not like everyone thinks.
      Society likes to blame...always been like that.

      For over 2000 years the europeans hated and abused the Juden...but that doesnt mean they are bad.

      Palmen aus Plastik

        hear? i see those stereotypes every day. stereotypes come into existence for a reason. I've not played against russians, but I can guarantee you they aren't a patch on the pinoys. You have to play in the SEA man, I'm telling you. This is a case of 'you have to be there to see it'. Maybe Russians are the same too, I dont know for sure, but I am sure they CANNOT be as bad as these guys. If you don't find logic in my argument, i agree with you, but I doubt I'm incorrect in the conclusion.

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          I think Russian still more worse than Pinoy tho. Me SEA player


            Im 100% pinoy and I never flame and do otherwise toxic behaviours. I agree with your statement that toxicity here is relatively high, but I hope that you don’t generalize all Filipinos like what you see in the DOTA community. There are a lot of internet shops here where teens can just load up a game and play and I’m not saying I’m above them as a person, but I’m a very chill guy and at the end of the day, its just a game for all of us. I’m blessed with a good education nd upbringing, but most kids here, statistically have more access to internet than lessons in online etiquette. Pinoys are also emotional, which makes pinoy friends very fun to have but sometimes shoet tempered. I’m in college now and I only started Dota 2 years ago, and I really liked it. I learned about it, watched the last 2 TIs and even the manila major when it was broadcasted here. I get upset when people are toxic in my games because I feel that we can have a lot more fun if we cooperate, but like any pub, that may be too much to ask for. My friend who was in one of my classes is now 6k in his regular account said he rarely met toxics past 5k. It’s down to the lack of education on the game as well, most SEA players in general below 3k don’t even care about lanes and positions, just kill, kill, farm, farm. Please I hope you don’t think all Filipinos are hateful apes that you come across on your pubs. We’re actually pretty decent sometimes.

            Tldr: Im Filipino myself, we aren’t all bad. Don’t generalize

            Цей коментар був відредагований

              I've been the victim of countless games with and against “peenoise” but i know for a fact that most Filipinos are literate. But Im in college. The higher your mmr goes the better chance you get matched with someone who understands meta, positions, basic online etiquette and shit. If that still doesn’t work, mute and pretend they are badly programmed bots. I’ve met worse Indonesians but I just blame me not being higher MMR, at least I was the one who improved. Please avoid spreading hatred in posts.


                I play unranked on Australian server's and get them here and there, i haven't noticed to much difference between them and NZ/Aus players minus the language barrier.

                Keep in mind i instantly muted toxic players without talking back or telling them.

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                  You don't pick carry without those cuck going nuts and do everything in his power to lose a game just to get back at you for stealing his sacred role.


                    Most of those toxic pinoys you're playing with are under 15 years old, i guarantee it. We call them "compshop kids", they skip school thinking they are going to be the next Abed. Anywhere under 4K, you're going to keep getting them. Even above 4K, according to my 5K friend, you'll still encounter some. It stems from the anonymity of the web, and the inherent pride that most Pinoys have. Most of those people are probably quiet in real life, but they'll release all emotions in game. Not even restricted to Dota, PH has an exclusive server in LoL because the toxicity needing to be separate, and Peenoise are infamous in general for video games/esports.

                    Tldr, young kids with the PinoyPride arrogant attitude, those are your culprits.

                    Edit: yes I'm also pinoy. I distance myself from "Peenoise" though, I do my best to be one of those who are reminders that there are also nice Pinoys in video games

                    Цей коментар був відредагований

                      I got a little triggered being Filipino myself at all this hate at us. But it didn’t come unwarranted, I’m all for stricter punishments from valve cause my games are getting ruined too, I’m just saying they could take a few steps to make the communities less toxic


                        ETdAWESOME sums it up pretty good too.


                          cringe thread

                          Cheap Laugh Guy

                            A lot of pinoys are wild. Sometimes they're fun but most of the time they make me monkaS.


                              Bobo ka, we pinoys are not toxic, please dont generalize, there's a difference between peenoise and pinoys.


                                I blame the parents who just leave their kids unattended. Also, internet/gaming is easily accessible here by people who are uneducated, scums, criminals and such :happy:


                                  I would say that many of SEA players without historical background like me feel uncomfortable with Pinoy because they tend to use their own language instead of English in chat and easily triggered to flame anyone but himself. (I would say that if it weren't DOTA i wil never know bobo gago tanga butang inamo etc.) on the other hand in case of Indonesian they have another reason toward Pinoy due to social and racism.

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                                  Palmen aus Plastik

                                    For those who said I'm generalising, I quote my original post - "I have so many filipino friends. and they are nothing like the pinoys I see in Dota". I am not. But the magnitude of the 'bad apples' are uncannily high.

                                    'Please avoid spreading hatred in posts.' - I'm pointing out a general behavioural fact. I don't think that amounts to spreading hatred.

                                    I'll repeat, I have many good filipino friends, and when I play on SEA most of all i see is putanginamo nonsense. When i ask them to speak in english, i get putanginamo. When I ask the medusa if he's going mid, i get putanginamo, when I ask if we may take roshan, i get putanginamo boboka and other assorted wankery. They are so common in every game that it is worrying. These are not isolated incidents as you will all agree.

                                    Chao Vritra

                                      I dont have to deal with SEA but I personally dont mind having non english speakers on my team on US east. Less arguments.


                                        fakink pignoys