General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp me with timbersaw please

Help me with timbersaw please in General Discussion
69 god

    I've some 3-4k games played and I can play(do at least something) with any hero except for timbersaw. Never been able to land chakram properly neither cast the skill1+2 combo. If you got any good guides or anything help me please. Thanks :)


      Braindead hero
      U either get zoned and become useless or stand in creeps and become immortal


        Since yours seems more of a mechanical problem I'd suggest you to try the hero in demo and land his combo 'till you feel you got pretty confortable with it and with his ulti, do it on still targets first and then on moving ones to increase the difficulty and make it more "realistic" as in game you'll be chasing people that are trying to escape a lot.

        Chocolate Sailor

          Timbersaw isn't a very difficult hero to use, but there are several things to consider when using him.

          1. Whenever you use his second ability in lane, you will be moving diagonally. Make mental images if your potion changing this way and you'll find opportunities to make moves on enemies. The cast time is pretty long, so think about your positioning relative to enemies at all times.

          2. Chakram moves slowly, so you HAVE to predict enemy reactions when you use it. Most of the time, the enemy will move closer to safety, either a nearby tower or they'll walk in the direction of their fountain. Throw your chakram through the enemy, just behind them so that it cuts off their path and forces them to walk through it.

          3. Chakram has more utility than just burst damage, it's the combined slow that makes it a great skill. EVERY time you throw your chakram, use the ability's slow as an opportunity to better position yourself, because there will ALWAYS be a better position you can take. The only times you should throw your chakram out and immediately return it is if you know the enemy will die from the passing damage or if the chakram missed.

          4. Don't overthink your first ability. It has an instant cast time and any opportunity to use it to damage an enemy is a good one, even if you don't get the pure damage from cutting down a tree with it.


            ^thats too advanced

            Chocolate Sailor

              Dota's an advanced game.


                thats why i fall of so quickly, i guess


                  Max W before Q and get E lvl 3 then max W its most op magic in minute 7

                  4 sec cd 200+ pure dmg can chase can run

                  Free 2 Play Scootz

                    Here’s how u should build:
                    E-Q-E-Q-E-R-E-W-W-6% spell amp and then everything else after that doesn’t really matter. Only time u get an earlier point in chain is against slark.

                    Levels 1 and 2 play a bit passive and get ur xp. As soon as u get that level 3 start getting aggressive. If the support tries to zone u just walk at them, press q and hit em. If the carry tries to get last hits press q and hit em.

                    Once youre level 5 and completely take over the lane start cutting it. Don’t nuke em tho, just right click em. Once the enemies get sorta low go I for the kill. Since u haven’t been killing all the creeps u should have a shit ton of armor to dive them.

                    Also this is all assuming ur 1 v 2 in lane and they have a roaming support. If they’re tri lanning u, u can’t really take over the lane but u can force their supports to stay there so u win the other lanes.

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                    69 god

                      Thanks ^^