General Discussion

General DiscussionNew Rank System and How is it Work

New Rank System and How is it Work in General Discussion
Fuck Dota 2's Devs

    Hello every one , as you know finaly valve delivered new rank system
    for finding out how its work play share your information
    like this
    what was your ranked mmr? (by number)
    how many games you won and how many u lost in first 10 games
    what role did you played on first 10 games
    what medal did got
    it also might help if u share thses as well
    what is your win rate (all games you played)
    what is your kda (for all games u played)
    what is your overall counduct


      What did Allah do to you for you to call him "Pig Shit"?



        Story Time

          how many topics like this are incoming tomorrow??


            oh no

            Fuck Dota 2's Devs

              i dont know how many topics comes tomorrow
              but definitely we need a topic about how many trolls and trashtalker we have in dutabuff in percentage
              i go with 95%
              every one talk about anything except the topic


                But seriously though what made you think Allah is pig shit?

                Fuck Dota 2's Devs

                  what my name is , is my own bisnes business

                  Bad Intentions

                    Kindly elaborate on name

                    69 god

                      No one cares about what is your nick or what do you think about it. Obviously not our business. But we do see some immature kid out there with 5k games played. RIP your teammates.

                      Fuck Dota 2's Devs

                        and no one gives a fuck about what u think
                        keep that shit thought to your fuckingself


                          It's like the op and the comments made by op are two separate people. Oh wait, the level of English is the same


                            ponkey just go and cut off is his head instead of being passive agressive :)))

                            Fuck Dota 2's Devs

                              i was 3725 mmt
                              won 6 games lost 4
                              core mid and carry
                              i got legend with no star
                              in 10 games my kda was 2.6
                              i dont know legend is good or bad
                              have no idea


                                Can someone tell me if it's possible to drop a few badges during calibration? Thx


                                  You never learn