General Discussion

General DiscussionCalibrating as support

Calibrating as support in General Discussion

    I dont want to butt heads with buttheads who instapick carries while I calibrate. And support is my position technically, I know calibration is didferent for supports right? But will the results be different if I play core? Because from what Ive heard, everyone is playing core. I don’t care what medal I get per se, Im just asking if anyone knows how supports are calibrated vs core


      Pick support and don't worry about calibration, I had the worst games possible almost all as support and lost 120 mmr only.
      They're not gonna look at your gpm for sure as support, but the amount of hp healed and the dmg dealt have an impact, or the warding/dewarding thing. I think your kda matters too, dying 27 times and ending the game with 0.4 kda is bad no matter what role you play. Just play as if it was a normal ranked game, everyone plays core 'cause they're braindead, they won't even have enough space to farm safely and get high gpm/exp with 4-5 carries.

      Justin Weaver

        Do the support duty and have good kda means die less, u will be fine

          Цей коментар було видалено

            going to play the whole calibration playing support, ill let you know what medal I get, and btw remember your assist>death


              I just got my medal..divine 1 ..3 wins 7 losses