General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR plus/minus

MMR plus/minus in General Discussion
Mid or Carry

    This is my main account and I'm wondering if my old mmr will increase/decrease rapidly (maybe +800 MMR?) if I recalibrate in the ten games. My past 4 ranked games are all won and my performance is very well (see my page). As far as I can remember this account has 2290 solo mmr in it.


      You shouldn't worry about it. Just play your game. Anyone in the 1-2k MMR Range should probably stop playing ranked until they have actually put effort into learning the game. Contrary to belief, gaining MMR isn't about grinding games. Its about improving. >.>

      But no, your MMR will not change drastically unless you ROFLSTOMP all 10 of your calibration games, and even then, I don't see it jumping more than 400.
      I have heard of 7k MMR players getting grouped with 6k, which pisses them off - but that wont happen to you :)

      Mid or Carry

        Hopefully I get to a higher bracket in these calibration games tho. My last ranked game I was matched with an Archon 5 (highest in the opponent team)

        死の恐怖 Haseo

          i played on my smurf, win with good stats and only gain 200 mmr after 10 game :(


            2 + 2 is 4 - 1 is 3.

            Quick maffs.
